[wiki:"Archtectural Overview index" TOC] [wiki:"Archtectural Overview" prev] [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Introduction" next] = (アーキテクチャ概要)目次 = * 1 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Introduction" はじめに] * 1.1 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Introduction#aim" 目的] * 1.2 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Introduction#status" 状態] * 1.3 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Introduction#peerreview" ピアレビュー] * 2 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Overview" 概要] * 2.1 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Overview#spec" 仕様策定プロジェクト] * 3. [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Aims" openEHRアーキテクチャが目指すもの] * 3.1 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Aims#overview" 概要] * 3.2 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Aims#clinical" 診療での目的] * 3.3 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Aims#deployment" デプロイ環境] * 4 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Design Principles" 設計原則] * 4.1 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Design Principles#ontology" オントロジー的分離] * 4.2 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Design Principles#responsibility" 責任の分離] * 4.3 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Design Principles#viewpoint" 視点の分離] * 5 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Package" openEHRのパッケージ構造] * 5.1 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Package#overview" 概要] * 5.2 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Package#rm" 参照モデル(RM; Reference Model)] * 5.2.1 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Package#pac_overview" パッケージ概要] * 5.3 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Package#am" アーキタイプモデル(AM; Archetype Model)] * 5.4 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Package#sm" サービスモデル(SM; Service Model)] * 6 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Design of the openEHR EHR" openEHRの EHR設計] * 6.1 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Design of the openEHR EHR#system" EHR システム] * 6.2 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Design of the openEHR EHR#top-level" 最上位情報構造] * 6.3 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Design of the openEHR EHR#ehr" EHR] * 6.4 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Design of the openEHR EHR#statement" エントリーと「臨床記述」] * 6.5 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Design of the openEHR EHR#intervention" 介入の管理] * 6.6 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Design of the openEHR EHR#time" EHRでの時間] * 6.7 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Design of the openEHR EHR#language" 言語] * 7 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Security" セキュリティと機密保護] * 7.1 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Security#requirements" セキュリティと機密保護] * 7.2 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Security#threats" セキュリティとプライバシーへの脅威] * 7.3 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Security#solution" openEHRが提供するソリューション] * 7.3.1 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Security#sol_overview" 概要] * 7.3.2 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Security#policy" セキュリティ・ポリシー] * 7.3.3 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Security#integrity" 一貫性] * 7.3.4 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Security#anonymity" 匿名性] * 7.4 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Security#control" アクセスコントロール] * 8 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Versioning" バージョニング] * 8.1 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Versioning#overview" 概観] * 8.2 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Versioning#paradigm" 構成管理パラダイム] * 8.2.1 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Versioning#repository" リポジトリの構成] * 8.2.2 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Versioning#change" 変更管理] * 8.3 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Versioning#time" 変更時間の管理] * 8.3.1 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Versioning#model" 変更制御されたリポジトリの汎用モデル] * 8.4 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Versioning#tree" 「仮想バージョンツリー」] * 9 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Identification" Identification] * 9.1 Identification of the EHR 51 * 9.2 Identification of Items within the EHR 51 * 9.2.1 General Scheme 51 * 9.2.2 Levels of Identification 51 * 10 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Archetypes" Archetypes and Templates] * 10.1 Overview 55 * 10.2 Archetype Formalisms and Models 56 * 10.2.1 Overview 56 * 10.2.2 Design-time Relationships between Archetypes 56 * 10.3 Relationship of Archetypes and Templates to Data 57 * 10.4 Archetype-enabling of Reference Model Data 57 * 10.5 Archetypes, Templates and Paths 58 * 10.6 Archetypes and Templates at Runtime 58 * 10.6.1 Overview 58 * 10.6.2 Deploying Archetypes and Templates 59 * 10.6.3 Validation during Data Capture 60 * 10.6.4 Querying 61 * 10.7 The openEHR Archteypes 62 * 11 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Paths" Paths and Locators] * 11.1 Overview 63 * 11.2 Paths 63 * 11.2.1 Basic Syntax 63 * 11.2.2 Predicate Expressions 64 * 11.2.3 Paths within Top-level Structures 65 * 11.2.4 Data Paths and Uniqueness 65 * 11.3 EHR URIs 68 * 11.3.1 EHR Reference URIs 68 * 12 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Terminology" Terminology in openEHR] * 12.1 Overview 71 * 12.2 Terminology to Support the Reference Model 71 * 12.3 Archetype Internal Terminology 71 * 12.4 Binding to External Terminologies 73 * 12.5 Querying using External Terminologies 74 * 13 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Deployment" Deployment] * 13.1 5-tier System Architecture 77 * 14 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Integrating openEHR" Integrating openEHR with other Systems] * 14.1 Overview 79 * 14.2 Integration Archetypes 79 * 14.3 Data Conversion Architecture 80 * 15 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Relationship to Standards" Relationship to Standards] * 16 [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Implementation" Implementation Technology Specifications] * 16.1 Overview 83 * A [wiki:"Archtectural Overview References" References] [wiki:"Archtectural Overview index" TOC] [wiki:"Archtectural Overview" prev] [wiki:"Archtectural Overview Introduction" next]