Changes between Version 36 and Version 37 of Archetype FAQ

Aug 7, 2007, 9:36:05 PM (17 years ago)



  • Archetype FAQ

    v36 v37  
    232232In fact, ADL archetypes can be written against any UML model, and it would be possible to write archetypes directly against the HL7v3 RIM (Reference Information Model), and also the CDA specification (using a UML expression derived from its XML-schema). This is the HL7v3 Lab Obs RMIM from ballot 5 as an ADL archetype (raw ADL form here). HL7 has chosen not to follow this path.
    234 == How do archetypes relate to CEN prEN 13606? ==
     234== アーキタイプとCEN prEN 13606との関係は? ==
     235How do archetypes relate to CEN prEN 13606?
     237CEN TC/251はopenEHRのアーキタイプモデルとアーキタイプを表現する手段としてADLを採用しました。CEN 13606(改訂版)EHR EXTRACTとして送信されたEHRデータを結合するために使うのが目的です。この仕様は改訂版EN13606パート2に垣間見ることができます。EN13606パート1モデルをもとに,前述のレガシーアーキタイプと呼ばれるカテゴリーに分類にされるアーキタイプを直接作成することもできます。
    236239CEN TC/251 has adopted the openEHR archetype model and ADL as the means of expressing archetypes to be used in conjunction with EHR data sent as CEN EN13606 (revised) EHR Extracts; these specifications are snapshotted in the revised EN13606 part 2. Archetypes created directly based on the EN13606 part 1 model fall into the category of legacy archetypes as defined above.
     241== アーキタイプとテンプレートに関する文献 ==
    237242Papers about archetypes and templates
    239246There are various papers about archetypes available:
     248 * アーキタイプに関する新しい文献: Constraint-based Domain Models for Future-proof Information Systems. Thomas Beale, 2002, prepared for OOPSLA 2002 - Haim Kilov's workshop on Behavioural Semantics ( PDF 171kb, 17pp)
     249 * 原著 - Archetypes - An Interoperable Knowledge Methodology for Future-proof Information Systems.Thomas Beale 2000. (PDF 700 kb, 80pp)
     250 * アーキタイプとテンプレートを比較した論文: Templates and Archetypes: how do we know what we are talking about? Sam Heard et al. February 2003. (PDF 94KB)
     251 * 標準化に関する論文: A Shared Archetype Language: A Position Paper for HL7, CEN TC 251, openEHR and other organisations. Thomas Beale, Sam Heard. Jan 2003 ( Word 155KB)
    241253 * A new paper on archetypes - Archetypes: Constraint-based Domain Models for Future-proof Information Systems. Thomas Beale, 2002, prepared for OOPSLA 2002 - Haim Kilov's workshop on Behavioural Semantics ( PDF 171kb, 17pp)