ArchetypeDatum Create (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-02-04 00:54:16', 1, '2010-02-04 00:54:16', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-02-04 01:21:20', 1, '2010-02-04 01:21:20', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (0.8ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-02-04 02:24:23', 1, '2010-02-04 02:24:23', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') SQL (0.5ms) select sqlite_version(*) SQL (0.9ms)  SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND NOT name = 'sqlite_sequence'  SQL (4.1ms) CREATE TABLE "archetype_data" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "oid" varchar(255), "archetype_id" varchar(255), "concept" varchar(255), "path" varchar(255), "text_data" varchar(255), "integer_data" integer, "real_data" float, "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)  SQL (0.4ms)  SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND NOT name = 'sqlite_sequence'  SQL (2.7ms) CREATE TABLE "terminologies" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "code" varchar(255), "name" varchar(255), "lang" varchar(255), "group" text, "rubric" varchar(255), "description" text, "mappings" varchar(255))  SQL (0.7ms)  SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND NOT name = 'sqlite_sequence'  SQL (2.9ms) CREATE TABLE "schema_migrations" ("version" varchar(255) NOT NULL)  SQL (5.3ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "unique_schema_migrations" ON "schema_migrations" ("version") SQL (4.0ms)  SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND NOT name = 'sqlite_sequence'  SQL (0.4ms) SELECT version FROM "schema_migrations" SQL (2.5ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20100129010414') SQL (2.4ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20090725052538') ArchetypeDatum Create (0.8ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-02-04 04:13:24', 1, 0.23, '2010-02-04 04:13:24', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (13.2ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-02-15 05:58:13', 1, 0.23, '2010-02-15 05:58:13', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (0.8ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-03-01 09:56:23', 1, 0.23, '2010-03-01 09:56:23', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (16.2ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-03-01 10:19:43', 1, 0.23, '2010-03-01 10:19:43', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (29.8ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-03-08 01:17:03', 1, 0.23, '2010-03-08 01:17:03', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (24.4ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-03-08 07:42:13', 1, 0.23, '2010-03-08 07:42:13', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-03-08 07:46:10', 1, 0.23, '2010-03-08 07:46:10', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-03-08 08:04:38', 1, 0.23, '2010-03-08 08:04:38', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-03-08 08:10:04', 1, 0.23, '2010-03-08 08:10:04', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (12.4ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-03-08 08:44:56', 1, 0.23, '2010-03-08 08:44:56', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-03-08 08:47:46', 1, 0.23, '2010-03-08 08:47:46', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (17.7ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-03-11 09:17:05', 1, 0.23, '2010-03-11 09:17:05', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (12.8ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-03-11 16:27:19', 1, 0.23, '2010-03-11 16:27:19', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-03-11 16:33:10', 1, 0.23, '2010-03-11 16:33:10', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (4.0ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-03-11 17:41:11', 1, 0.23, '2010-03-11 17:41:11', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (44.0ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-03-11 18:31:04', 1, 0.23, '2010-03-11 18:31:04', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-03-11 18:34:18', 1, 0.23, '2010-03-11 18:34:18', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (41.8ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-03-12 08:45:56', 1, 0.23, '2010-03-12 08:45:56', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (0.8ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-03-12 13:56:29', 1, 0.23, '2010-03-12 13:56:29', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-03-12 14:33:28', 1, 0.23, '2010-03-12 14:33:28', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-03-12 14:34:51', 1, 0.23, '2010-03-12 14:34:51', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (21.4ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-03-15 01:10:34', 1, 0.23, '2010-03-15 01:10:34', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (32.2ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-03-15 13:04:33', 1, 0.23, '2010-03-15 13:04:33', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (1.9ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-03-15 14:31:32', 1, 0.23, '2010-03-15 14:31:32', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (16.9ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-04-12 14:55:08', 1, 0.23, '2010-04-12 14:55:08', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (1.1ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-04-12 14:55:48', 1, 0.23, '2010-04-12 14:55:48', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (269.0ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-04-13 03:34:18', 1, 0.23, '2010-04-13 03:34:18', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (31.2ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-04-14 11:51:32', 1, 0.23, '2010-04-14 11:51:32', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (45.1ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-04-20 07:40:41', 1, 0.23, '2010-04-20 07:40:41', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (1.2ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-04-22 02:20:58', 1, 0.23, '2010-04-22 02:20:58', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (42.0ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-04-22 02:49:26', 1, 0.23, '2010-04-22 02:49:26', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (1.1ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-04-22 04:06:13', 1, 0.23, '2010-04-22 04:06:13', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-04-22 05:39:06', 1, 0.23, '2010-04-22 05:39:06', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (0.8ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-04-25 08:11:13', 1, 0.23, '2010-04-25 08:11:13', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (28.0ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-04-26 08:24:21', 1, 0.23, '2010-04-26 08:24:21', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (37.5ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-05-22 02:26:15', 1, 0.23, '2010-05-22 02:26:15', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-05-22 02:26:22', 1, 0.23, '2010-05-22 02:26:22', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-05-22 02:34:48', 1, 0.23, '2010-05-22 02:34:48', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-05-22 02:35:10', 1, 0.23, '2010-05-22 02:35:10', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-05-22 02:36:01', 1, 0.23, '2010-05-22 02:36:01', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (31.5ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-05-22 03:27:05', 1, 0.23, '2010-05-22 03:27:05', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-05-22 03:54:28', 1, 0.23, '2010-05-22 03:54:28', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-05-23 04:06:38', 1, 0.23, '2010-05-23 04:06:38', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (0.9ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-05-27 03:18:15', 1, 0.23, '2010-05-27 03:18:15', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (176.7ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-06-10 06:14:59', 1, 0.23, '2010-06-10 06:14:59', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (57.0ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-06-11 08:07:57', 1, 0.23, '2010-06-11 08:07:57', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (13.8ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-06-14 01:29:15', 1, 0.23, '2010-06-14 01:29:15', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (301.8ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-06-14 04:33:23', 1, 0.23, '2010-06-14 04:33:23', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (34.7ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-06-22 13:47:09', 1, 0.23, '2010-06-22 13:47:09', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (3.4ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-06-22 13:55:25', 1, 0.23, '2010-06-22 13:55:25', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') ArchetypeDatum Create (36.3ms) INSERT INTO "archetype_data" ("concept", "created_at", "integer_data", "real_data", "updated_at", "archetype_id", "path", "oid", "text_data") VALUES('value for concept', '2010-07-02 08:41:34', 1, 0.23, '2010-07-02 08:41:34', 'value for archetype_id', 'value for path', 'value for oid', 'value for text_data') SQL (1.0ms)  SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND NOT name = 'sqlite_sequence'  SQL (0.3ms) SELECT version FROM schema_migrations Migrating to CreateTerminologies (20090725052538) Migrating to CreateArchetypeData (20100129010414) Migrating to CreateLanguages (20100702073455) SQL (0.2ms) select sqlite_version(*) SQL (0.6ms) CREATE TABLE "languages" ("code" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "description" varchar(255) NOT NULL)  SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO schema_migrations (version) VALUES ('20100702073455') SQL (0.5ms)  SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND NOT name = 'sqlite_sequence'  SQL (0.2ms) SELECT version FROM schema_migrations SQL (0.3ms)  SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND NOT name = 'sqlite_sequence'  SQL (0.1ms) PRAGMA index_list("archetype_data") SQL (0.1ms) PRAGMA index_list("languages") SQL (0.1ms) PRAGMA index_list("terminologies") Language Create (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Create (0.0ms) SQLite3::ConstraintException: languages.description may not be NULL: INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', NULL) Language Create (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Create (0.0ms) SQLite3::ConstraintException: languages.description may not be NULL: INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', NULL) Language Create (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Create (0.0ms) SQLite3::ConstraintException: languages.description may not be NULL: INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', NULL) Language Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Create (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Create (0.0ms) SQLite3::ConstraintException: languages.description may not be NULL: INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', NULL) Language Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Create (0.0ms) SQLite3::ConstraintException: languages.description may not be NULL: INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', NULL) Language Create (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Create (0.0ms) SQLite3::ConstraintException: languages.description may not be NULL: INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', NULL) Language Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Create (0.0ms) SQLite3::ConstraintException: languages.description may not be NULL: INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', NULL) Language Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.2ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Create (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.2ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.1ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Load (0.2ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.2ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.1ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Load (0.2ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.5ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.1ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.1ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.1ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (2.3ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.5ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.1ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.1ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.1ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.1ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Load (2.4ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.4ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.1ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.1ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.5ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (2.1ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (2.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.3ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.3ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.9ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.4ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.3ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL SQL (0.5ms)  SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND NOT name = 'sqlite_sequence'  Language Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.3ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.3ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.3ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" LIMIT 1 Language Load (0.8ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.3ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.7ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.0ms) SQLite3::SQLException: near ">": syntax error: SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (:code => 'jp') LIMIT 1 Language Load (0.5ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.3ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" LIMIT 1 Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.3ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" LIMIT 1 Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.4ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (:code ='jp') LIMIT 1 Language Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.3ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.2ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (:code ='jp') LIMIT 1 Language Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Create (0.8ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.2ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (code ='jp') LIMIT 1 Language Load (0.5ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.3ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.2ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (code = 'jp') LIMIT 1 Language Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.3ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (code = 'jp') LIMIT 1 Language Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.3ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.2ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (code = 'jp') LIMIT 1 Language Load (0.6ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.5ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.4ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (code = 'jp') LIMIT 1 Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.3ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.2ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (code = 'jp') LIMIT 1 Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (code = 'af') LIMIT 1 Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.3ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (code = 'af') LIMIT 1 Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.7ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (code = 'af') LIMIT 1 Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (code = 'af')  Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.5ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (1.0ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (code = 'af') LIMIT 1 Language Load (0.2ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (code = 'af')  Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.4ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (3.0ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (code = 'af') LIMIT 1 Language Load (2.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (code = 'af')  Language Load (1.8ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.5ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.6ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (code = 'af') LIMIT 1 Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (code = 'af')  Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.6ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (2.9ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL SQL (0.4ms)  SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND NOT name = 'sqlite_sequence'  Language Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (code = 'af') LIMIT 1 Language Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (code = 'af')  Language Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" LIMIT 1 Language Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (0.3ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "languages" ("code", "description") VALUES('jp', 'Japan') Language Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (code = 'af') LIMIT 1 Language Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" WHERE (code = 'af')  Language Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM "languages" LIMIT 1 Language Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM "languages"  Language Destroy (13.0ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL Language Destroy (0.5ms) DELETE FROM "languages" WHERE "id" = NULL