require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../../spec_helper' include OpenEHR::RM::DataTypes::Quantity include OpenEHR::RM::DataTypes::Quantity::ProportionKind describe DvProportion do before(:all) do @dv_proportion0 = => 2, :denominator => 3, :type => PK_RATIO, :accuracy => 1, :accuracy_percent => true) @dv_proportion1 = => 3, :denominator => 1, :type => PK_UNITARY) @dv_proportion2 = => 5, :denominator => 100, :type => PK_PERCENT) @dv_proportion3 = => 7, :denominator => 8, :type => PK_FRACTION) @dv_proportion4 = => 9, :denominator => 10, :type => PK_INTEGER_FRACTION) end describe 'PK_RATIO type' do it 'should be an instance of DvProportion' do @dv_proportion0.should be_an_instance_of DvProportion end it 's numerator should be equal 2' do @dv_proportion0.numerator.should be_equal 2 end it 's denominator should be equal 3' do @dv_proportion0.denominator.should be_equal 3 end it 's type should be equal 0' do @dv_proportion0.type.should == 0 end it 's magnitude should be 2/3' do @dv_proportion0.magnitude.should == 2.0/3.0 end it 's accuracy should be 1' do @dv_proportion0.accuracy.should == 1 end it 'is_integral? should be true' do @dv_proportion0.is_integral?.should be_true end it 'should be comperable to same type DvProportion' do dv_propotion_type = => 3, :denominator => 4, :type => 0) @dv_proportion0.is_strictly_comparable_to?(dv_propotion_type). should be_true end it 'should not be comparable to other type DvPropotion' do @dv_proportion0.is_strictly_comparable_to?(@dv_proportion1). should_not be_true end it 'should not be comperable to other class' do @dv_proportion0.is_strictly_comparable_to?(1). should_not be_true end it 'should raise ArguentError with invalid type -1' do lambda { @dv_proportion0.type = -1 }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArgumentError with invalid type 5' do lambda { @dv_proportion0.type = 5 }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 's precision should be 0' do @dv_proportion0.precision = 0 @dv_proportion0.precision.should == 0 end it 'should raise ArgumentError when is_integral? and precision !=0' do lambda {@dv_proportion0.precision = 1}.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'shoud not raise ArgumentError when is_not ntegral' do @dv_proportion0.numerator = 2.5 lambda { @dv_proportion0.precision = 1 }.should_not raise_error ArgumentError end end describe 'PK_UNITARY type' do it 'should be an instance of DvPropotion' do @dv_proportion1.should be_an_instance_of DvProportion end it 'should raise ArgumentError without denominator 1' do lambda { @dv_proportion1.denominator = 10 }.should raise_error ArgumentError end end describe 'PK_PERCENT type' do it 'should be an instance of DvProportion' do @dv_proportion2.should be_an_instance_of DvProportion end it 'should raise ArgumentError without denominator 100' do lambda { @dv_proportion2.denominator = 101 }.should raise_error ArgumentError end end describe 'PK_FRACTION type' do it 'should be an instance of DvProportion' do @dv_proportion3.should be_an_instance_of DvProportion end it 'should raise ArgumentError with fractional denominator' do lambda { @dv_proportion3.denominator = 0.5 }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArgumentError with fractional numerator' do lambda { @dv_proportion3.numerator = 0.5 }.should raise_error ArgumentError end end describe 'PK_FRACTION_INTEGER type' do it 'should be an instance of DvProportion' do @dv_proportion4.should be_an_instance_of DvProportion end it 'should raise ArgumentError with fractional denominator' do lambda { @dv_proportion4.denominator = 0.5 }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArgumentError with fractional numerator' do lambda { @dv_proportion4.numerator = 0.5 }.should raise_error ArgumentError end end end