require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../../spec_helper' include OpenEHR::RM::DataStructures::ItemStructure include OpenEHR::RM::DataStructures::ItemStructure::Representation include OpenEHR::RM::DataTypes::Text describe ItemList do before(:each) do items = %w{one two three}.collect do |n| => => n), :archetype_node_id => 'test') end item_list_name = => 'item list') @item_list = => item_list_name, :archetype_node_id => 'test', :items => items) end it 'should be instance of ItemList' do @item_list.should be_an_instance_of ItemList end it 'count should be 3' do @item_list.item_count.should be_equal 3 end it 'count should be 0' do @item_list.items = nil @item_list.item_count.should be_equal 0 end it 'retrieve the names of all items' do @item_list.names.should == %w{one two three}.collect{|n| => n)} end it 'should return the item with a name' do @item_list.named_item('one').name.value.should == 'one' end it 'should return nil when item is not exist' do @item_list.named_item('four').should be_nil end it 'retrieve the ith item with number' do @item_list.ith_item(1).name.value.should == 'one' end it 'generate cluster of items' do == 'item list' end end