require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../../spec_helper' include OpenEHR::RM::Common::Resource include OpenEHR::RM::Common::ChangeControl include OpenEHR::RM::DataTypes::Text describe AuthoredResource do before(:each) do original_language = stub(CodePhrase, :code_string => 'ja') translation_language = stub(CodePhrase, :code_string => 'en') translation_details = stub(TranslationDetails, :language => translation_language) translations = Hash['en', translation_details] description = stub(ResourceDescription, :lifecycle_state => 'initial') revision_history = stub(RevisionHistory, :most_recent_version => '0.0.3') languages_available = %w(ja en) @authored_resource = :original_language => original_language, :translations => translations, :description => description, :revision_history => revision_history) end it 'should be an instance of AuthoredResource' do @authored_resource.should be_an_instance_of AuthoredResource end it 'original language should be ja' do @authored_resource.original_language.code_string.should == 'ja' end it 'translations hash en returns en detail' do @authored_resource.translations['en'].language.code_string.should == 'en' end it 'description lifecycle_state should e initial' do @authored_resource.description.lifecycle_state.should == 'initial' end it 'language_available should be Set(%(ja en))' do languages_set = ['ja', 'en'] @authored_resource.languages_available.should == languages_set end it 'current_revision should be 0.0.3' do @authored_resource.current_revision.should == '0.0.3' end it 'should be controlled' do @authored_resource.is_controlled?.should be_true end it 'should not be controlled' do @authored_resource.revision_history = nil @authored_resource.is_controlled?.should be_false end it 'should raise ArgumentError with empty translations' do lambda { @authored_resource.translations = }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArgumentError when original language is nil' do lambda { @authored_resource.original_language = nil }.should raise_error ArgumentError end end