require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../../spec_helper' include OpenEHR::RM::Common::Archetyped include OpenEHR::RM::DataTypes::Text include OpenEHR::RM::Support::Identification describe Locatable do before(:each) do name = => 'problem/SOAP') link = stub(Set, :size => 10, :empty? => false) uid = => 'ehr::localhost/3030') archetype_id = => 'openEHR-EHR-SECTION.physical_examination.v2') archetype_details = stub(Archetyped, :rm_version => '1.2.4', :archetype_id => archetype_id) feeder_audit = stub(FeederAudit, :system_id => 'MAGI') @locatable = => 'at001', :name => name, :links => link, :uid => uid, :feeder_audit => feeder_audit, :archetype_details => archetype_details) end it 'should be_an_instance_of Locatable' do @locatable.should be_an_instance_of Locatable end it 'archetype_node_id should be at001' do @locatable.archetype_node_id.should == 'at001' end it 'is_archetype_root? should be true' do @locatable.is_archetype_root?.should be_true end it 'is_archetype_root? should be false when archetype_details is nil' do @locatable.archetype_details = nil @locatable.is_archetype_root?.should be_false end it 'link size should be 10' do @locatable.links.size.should == 10 end it 'name.value should problem/soap' do == 'problem/SOAP' end it 'uid.value should be ehr::localhost/3030' do @locatable.uid.value.should == 'ehr::localhost/3030' end it 'archetype_details.rm_version should be 1.2.4' do @locatable.archetype_details.rm_version.should == '1.2.4' end it 'feeer_audit.system_id should MAGI' do @locatable.feeder_audit.system_id.should == 'MAGI' end it 'concept should be physical_examination' do @locatable.concept.value.should == 'physical_examination' end it 'should raise ArgumentError with nil archetype_node_id' do lambda { @locatable.archetype_node_id = nil }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArgumentError with nil name' do lambda { = nil }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArgumentError with empty links' do lambda { @locatable.links = }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArgumentError Archetyped invalid' do @locatable.archetype_details = nil lambda { @locatable.concept }.should raise_error ArgumentError end end