require 'date' require 'time' module OpenEHR module Assumed_Library_Types class Any < Object end # of Any class Interval < Any attr_reader :lower, :lower_included, :lower_unbounded attr_reader :upper, :upper_included, :upper_unbounded def initialize(lower, upper, lower_included = nil, upper_included = nil) check_lower_upper(lower, upper) set_lower_included(lower_included) set_upper_included(upper_included) end def set_lower(lower) check_lower_upper(lower, @upper) end def set_upper(upper) check_lower_upper(@lower, upper) end def set_lower_included(lower_included) if (lower == nil) && (lower_included != nil) raise ArgumentError, "lower is not set" end @lower_included = lower_included end def set_upper_included(upper_included) @upper_included = upper_included if (upper == nil) && (upper_included != nil) raise ArgumentError, "upper is not set" end end def has?(value) if ((@lower < value) && (value < @upper) || (@lower_included == true) && (@lower == value) || (@upper_included == true) && (@upper == value)) true else false end end private def check_lower_upper(lower, upper) if (lower == nil) && (upper == nil) raise ArgumentError, "Either lower or upper must be assigned" end if (lower == nil) && (upper != nil) @lower_unbounded = true elsif (lower != nil) && (upper == nil) @upper_unbounded = true elsif lower > upper raise ArgumentError, "Upper must be larger than lower." end @lower = lower @upper = upper end end # end of Interval class TIME_DEFINITIONS < Any DAYS_IN_LEAP_YEAR = 366 DAYS_IN_WEEK = 7 DAYS_IN_YEAR = 365 HOURS_IN_DAY = 24 MAX_DAYS_IN_MONTH = 31 MAX_DAYS_IN_YEAR = 366 MINUTES_IN_HOUR = 60 MONTH_IN_YEAR = 12 NOMINAL_DAYS_IN_MONTH = 30.42 NOMINAL_DAYS_IN_YEAR = 365.24 SECONDS_IN_MINUTE = 60 def self.valid_year?(year) year >= 0 end def self.valid_day?(y, m, d) Date.valid_date?(y,m,d) and valid_year? y end def self.valid_hour?(h,m,s) valid_minute?(m) and valid_second?(s) and ((h >= 0 and h < HOURS_IN_DAY) or (h == HOURS_IN_DAY and m == 0 and s == 0)) end def self.valid_minute?(mi) mi >= 0 and mi < MINUTES_IN_HOUR end def self.valid_second?(s) s >= 0 and s < SECONDS_IN_MINUTE end def self.valid_month?(mo) mo >= 1 and mo <= MONTH_IN_YEAR end end # end of TIME_DEFINITIONS class ISO8601_DATE < TIME_DEFINITIONS attr_reader :year, :month, :day def initialize(year = nil, month = nil, day = nil) @year = @month = @day = nil if !year.nil? self.year = year end if !month.nil? self.month = month end if !day.nil? = day end end def year=(year) raise ArgumentError, "Year is not valid" if !ISO8601_DATE.valid_year?(year) @year = year end def month=(month) raise ArgumentError, "Month is not valid" if !ISO8601_DATE.valid_month?(month) @month = month end def day=(day) raise ArgumentError, "Day is not valid" if !ISO8601_DATE.valid_day?(@year, @month, day) @day = day end def as_string if (!@year.nil? and !@month.nil? and !@day.nil?), @month, @day).to_s elsif (!@year.nil? and !@month.nil? and @day.nil?), @month).to_s[0,7] elsif (!@year.nil? and @month.nil? and @day.nil?)[0,4] end end def month_unknown? @month.nil? end def day_unknown? @day.nil? end def is_extended? true end def is_partial? month_unknown? or day_unknown? end def self.valid_iso8601_date?(string) begin Date.parse(string) rescue return false end true end end # end of ISO8601_DATE class ISO8601_TIME < TIME_DEFINITIONS attr_reader :hh, :mm, :ss, :msec, :tz def initialize(hh = nil, mm = nil, ss = nil, msec = nil, tz = nil) end def as_string s = @hh if !@mm.nil? s += ":" + @mm if !@ss.nil? s += ":" + @ss if !@msec.nil? s += "," + @msec if !@tz.nil? s += @tz end end end end s end def self.valid_iso8601_time?(s) if /(\d{2}):?(\d{2})?(:?)(\d{2})?((\.|,)(\d+))?(Z|([+-](\d{2}):?(\d{2})))?/ =~ s # ISO 8601 regular expression by H. Yuki # # (\d{4})(?:-(\d{2})(?:-(\d{2})(?:T(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?::(\d{2})(?:\.(\d))?)?(Z|([+-]\d{2}):(\d{2}))?)?)?)? hh = $1; mm = $2; ss = $4; msec = $7; tz = $8 if hh.to_i == HOURS_IN_DAY and (mm.nil? or mm.to_i == "00") and (ss.nil? or ss.to_i == "00") return true end if hh.nil? or (hh.to_i < 0 or hh.to_i >= HOURS_IN_DAY) return false end if !mm.nil? if !self.valid_minute?(mm.to_i) return false end end if !ss.nil? if !self.valid_second?(ss.to_i) return false end end if !tz.nil? and tz != "Z" if /[+-](\d{2}):?(\d{2})/ =~ tz h = $1; m = $2 if h.to_i < 0 or h.to_i >= HOURS_IN_DAY return false end if m.to_i < 0 or m.to_i >= MINUTES_IN_HOUR return false end else return false end end return true else return false end end end # end of ISO8601_TIME class ISO8601_TIMEZONE attr_accessor :sign, :hour, :minute def is_gmt? @sign == "+1" and @hour == 0 and @minute == 0 end def as_string if @sign == "+1" s = "+" elsif @sign == "-1" s = "-" end sprintf("Z%s%02d%02d", s, @hour, @minute) end end # end of ISO8601_TIMEZONE end # end of Assumed_Types end # end of OpenEHR