source: ruby/trunk/lib/adl_parser/test/adl/openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.apgar.v1.adl@ 288

Last change on this file since 288 was 283, checked in by Tatsukawa, Akimichi, 15 years ago

Scanners for ADL parser do not need yaparc library any more

File size: 25.3 KB
1archetype (adl_version=1.4)
2 openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.apgar.v1
5 [at0000] -- Apgar score
7 original_language = <[ISO_639-1::en]>
8 translations = <
9 ["de"] = <
10 language = <[ISO_639-1::de]>
11 author = <
12 ["name"] = <"Jasmin Buck, Sebastian Garde">
13 ["organisation"] = <"University of Heidelberg, Central Queensland University">
14 >
15 >
16 ["en-us"] = <
17 language = <[ISO_639-1::en-us]>
18 author = <
19 ["name"] = <"????">
20 >
21 >
22 >
24 original_author = <
25 ["name"] = <"Sam Heard">
26 ["organisation"] = <"Ocean Informatics">
27 ["date"] = <"18/05/2004">
28 ["email"] = <"">
29 >
30 details = <
31 ["en-us"] = <
32 language = <[ISO_639-1::en-us]>
33 purpose = <"Record Apgar index or assessment for newborn. The root time of the event series is always birth.">
34 use = <"Allows recording of infant well-being at 1,2,5 and or 10 mintues after birth. The total may be recorded alone - if this is all that is available - but all five ordinal values should be completed in order that the total can be calculated. The total is the sum of the five ordinal values (min 0, max 10).">
35 keywords = <"apgar", "index", "score", "newborn">
36 misuse = <"Only partially completing the score and adding less than five values to give the total.">
37 >
38 ["en"] = <
39 language = <[ISO_639-1::en]>
40 purpose = <"Record Apgar index or assessment for newborn. The root time of the event series is always birth.">
41 use = <"Allows recording of infant well-being at 1,2,5 and or 10 mintues after birth. The total may be recorded alone - if this is all that is available - but all five ordinal values should be completed in order that the total can be calculated. The total is the sum of the five ordinal values (min 0, max 10).">
42 keywords = <"apgar", "newborn", "index", "score">
43 misuse = <"Only partially completing the score and adding less than five values to give the total.">
44 >
45 ["de"] = <
46 language = <[ISO_639-1::de]>
47 purpose = <"Zur Dokumentation des Apgar Wertes oder Beurteilung f%G�%@r Neugeborene. Der zu Grunde liegende Zeitpunkt der Ereignisreihe ist immer die Geburt.">
48 use = <"Erm%G�%@glicht die Dokumentation des Wohlergehens des S%G�%@uglings 1, 2, 5 und/ oder 10 Minuten nach der Geburt. Die Summe kann einzeln dokumentiert werden - falls nur diese verf%G�%@gbar ist - es sollten aber alle f%G�%@nf Zahlenwerte vervollst%G�%@ndigt werden, damit die Summe errechnet werden kann. Die Gesamtsumme ist die Summe der f%G�%@nf Zahlenwerte (minimal 0, maximal 10).">
49 keywords = <"Apgar", "Neugeborenes", "Index", "Wert">
50 misuse = <"Nur teilweise Vervollst%G�%@ndigung der Werte und Addieren von weniger als f%G�%@nf Werten zur Gesamtsumme.">
51 >
52 >
53 lifecycle_state = <"AuthorDraft">
54 other_contributors = <>
57 OBSERVATION[at0000] matches { -- Apgar score
58 data matches {
59 HISTORY[at0002] matches { -- history
60 events cardinality matches {1..*; unordered} matches {
61 POINT_EVENT[at0003] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- 1 minute
62 offset matches {
63 DV_DURATION matches {
64 value matches {|PT1M|}
65 }
66 }
67 data matches {
68 ITEM_LIST[at0001] matches { -- structure
69 items cardinality matches {1..6; ordered} matches {
70 ELEMENT[at0005] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Heart rate
71 value matches {
72 0|[local::at0006], -- No heart beat
73 1|[local::at0007], -- Less than 100 beats per minute
74 2|[local::at0008] -- Greater than or equal to 100 beats per minute
75 }
76 }
77 ELEMENT[at0009] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Breathing
78 value matches {
79 0|[local::at0010], -- No effort
80 1|[local::at0011], -- Moderate effort
81 2|[local::at0012] -- Crying
82 }
83 }
84 ELEMENT[at0013] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Muscle tone
85 value matches {
86 0|[local::at0014], -- Limp
87 1|[local::at0015], -- Some flexing of arms and legs
88 2|[local::at0016] -- Active motion
89 }
90 }
91 ELEMENT[at0017] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Reflex response
92 value matches {
93 0|[local::at0018], -- No response to airways suction
94 1|[local::at0019], -- Grimace during airways suction
95 2|[local::at0020] -- Grimace and cough/sneeze during airways suction
96 }
97 }
98 ELEMENT[at0021] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Colour
99 value matches {
100 0|[local::at0022], -- Whole body is blue or pale
101 1|[local::at0023], -- Good colour in body, hands or feet blue
102 2|[local::at0024] -- Completely pink or good colour
103 }
104 }
105 ELEMENT[at0025] matches { -- Total
106 value matches {
107 DV_COUNT matches {
108 magnitude matches {|0..10|}
109 }
110 }
111 }
112 }
113 }
114 }
115 }
116 POINT_EVENT[at0026] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- 2 minute
117 offset matches {
118 DV_DURATION matches {
119 value matches {|PT2M|}
120 }
121 }
122 data matches {
123 use_node ITEM_LIST /data[at0002]/events[at0003]/data[at0001]
124 }
125 }
126 POINT_EVENT[at0027] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- 5 minute
127 offset matches {
128 DV_DURATION matches {
129 value matches {|PT5M|}
130 }
131 }
132 data matches {
133 use_node ITEM_LIST /data[at0002]/events[at0003]/data[at0001]
134 }
135 }
136 POINT_EVENT[at0028] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- 10 minute
137 offset matches {
138 DV_DURATION matches {
139 value matches {|PT10M|}
140 }
141 }
142 data matches {
143 use_node ITEM_LIST /data[at0002]/events[at0003]/data[at0001]
144 }
145 }
146 }
147 }
148 }
149 protocol matches {
150 ITEM_LIST[at0029] matches { -- List
151 items cardinality matches {0..*; unordered} matches {
152 ELEMENT[at0030] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Notes on measurement
153 value matches {
154 DV_TEXT matches {*}
155 }
156 }
157 }
158 }
159 }
160 }
163 terminologies_available = <"LNC205", ...>
164 term_definitions = <
165 ["en"] = <
166 items = <
167 ["at0000"] = <
168 description = <"Clinical score derived from assessment of breathing, colour, muscle tone, heart rate and reflex response usually taken at 1, 5 and 10 minutes after birth">
169 text = <"Apgar score">
170 >
171 ["at0001"] = <
172 description = <"@ internal @">
173 text = <"structure">
174 >
175 ["at0002"] = <
176 description = <"@ internal @">
177 text = <"history">
178 >
179 ["at0003"] = <
180 description = <"Apgar score at one minute from birth">
181 text = <"1 minute">
182 >
183 ["at0005"] = <
184 description = <"Assessment of heart function in the new born">
185 text = <"Heart rate">
186 >
187 ["at0006"] = <
188 description = <"No heart beat is present (palpation at base of umbilical cord)">
189 text = <"No heart beat">
190 >
191 ["at0007"] = <
192 description = <"Heart rate of less than 100 beats per minute">
193 text = <"Less than 100 beats per minute">
194 >
195 ["at0008"] = <
196 description = <"Heart rate of greater than or equal to 100 beats per minute">
197 text = <"Greater than or equal to 100 beats per minute">
198 >
199 ["at0009"] = <
200 description = <"Assessment of the neonate's breathing effort">
201 text = <"Breathing">
202 >
203 ["at0010"] = <
204 description = <"No effort to breath">
205 text = <"No effort">
206 >
207 ["at0011"] = <
208 description = <"Some effort to breath, moving chest">
209 text = <"Moderate effort">
210 >
211 ["at0012"] = <
212 description = <"Crying or breathing normally">
213 text = <"Crying">
214 >
215 ["at0013"] = <
216 description = <"Assessment of the baby's muscle tone">
217 text = <"Muscle tone">
218 >
219 ["at0014"] = <
220 description = <"Limp or floppy and not moving spontaneously">
221 text = <"Limp">
222 >
223 ["at0015"] = <
224 description = <"Some movement and flexion of the arms or legs">
225 text = <"Some flexing of arms and legs">
226 >
227 ["at0016"] = <
228 description = <"Active and mobile">
229 text = <"Active motion">
230 >
231 ["at0017"] = <
232 description = <"Assessment of the response of the baby to suction from a nostril">
233 text = <"Reflex response">
234 >
235 ["at0018"] = <
236 description = <"No gag or response to suction of the airway">
237 text = <"No response to airways suction">
238 >
239 ["at0019"] = <
240 description = <"Grimace only as reaction to airways suction">
241 text = <"Grimace during airways suction">
242 >
243 ["at0020"] = <
244 description = <"Grimace and cough, sneeze or gag as response to airway suction">
245 text = <"Grimace and cough/sneeze during airways suction">
246 >
247 ["at0021"] = <
248 description = <"The colour of the skin on the body and trunk and limbs">
249 text = <"Colour">
250 >
251 ["at0022"] = <
252 description = <"The body is pale or blue in color">
253 text = <"Whole body is blue or pale">
254 >
255 ["at0023"] = <
256 description = <"The body is pink, hands and feet pale or blue">
257 text = <"Good colour in body, hands or feet blue ">
258 >
259 ["at0024"] = <
260 description = <"Pink or good color to whole body">
261 text = <"Completely pink or good colour">
262 >
263 ["at0025"] = <
264 description = <"The total of the ordinal scores for each parameter">
265 text = <"Total">
266 >
267 ["at0026"] = <
268 description = <"Apgar score 2 minutes after birth">
269 text = <"2 minute">
270 >
271 ["at0027"] = <
272 description = <"Apgar score 5 minutes after birth">
273 text = <"5 minute">
274 >
275 ["at0028"] = <
276 description = <"Apgar score 10 minutes after birth">
277 text = <"10 minute">
278 >
279 ["at0029"] = <
280 description = <"@ internal @">
281 text = <"List">
282 >
283 ["at0030"] = <
284 description = <"Notes on measurement of the apgar">
285 text = <"Notes on measurement">
286 >
287 >
288 >
289 ["en-us"] = <
290 items = <
291 ["at0000"] = <
292 description = <"Clinical score derived from assessment of breathing, colour, muscle tone, heart rate and reflex response usually taken at 1, 5 and 10 minutes after birth">
293 text = <"Apgar score">
294 >
295 ["at0001"] = <
296 description = <"@ internal @">
297 text = <"structure">
298 >
299 ["at0002"] = <
300 description = <"@ internal @">
301 text = <"history">
302 >
303 ["at0003"] = <
304 description = <"Apgar score at one minute from birth">
305 text = <"1 minute">
306 >
307 ["at0005"] = <
308 description = <"Assessment of heart function in the new born">
309 text = <"Heart rate">
310 >
311 ["at0006"] = <
312 description = <"No heart beat is present - palpation of the base of umbilical cord">
313 text = <"No heart beat">
314 >
315 ["at0007"] = <
316 description = <"Less than 100 beats per minute">
317 text = <"Less than 100 beats per minute">
318 >
319 ["at0008"] = <
320 description = <"Heart rate of greater than or equal to 100 beats per minute">
321 text = <"Greater than or equal to 100 beats per minute">
322 >
323 ["at0009"] = <
324 description = <"Assessment of the neonate's breathing effort">
325 text = <"Breathing">
326 >
327 ["at0010"] = <
328 description = <"No effort to breath">
329 text = <"No effort">
330 >
331 ["at0011"] = <
332 description = <"Some effort to breath">
333 text = <"Moderate effort">
334 >
335 ["at0012"] = <
336 description = <"Crying or breathing normally">
337 text = <"Crying">
338 >
339 ["at0013"] = <
340 description = <"Assessment of the baby's muscle tone">
341 text = <"Muscle tone">
342 >
343 ["at0014"] = <
344 description = <"Limp or floppy and not moving spontaneously">
345 text = <"Limp">
346 >
347 ["at0015"] = <
348 description = <"Some movement and flexion of the arms or legs">
349 text = <"Some flexing of arms and legs">
350 >
351 ["at0016"] = <
352 description = <"Active and mobile">
353 text = <"Active motion">
354 >
355 ["at0017"] = <
356 description = <"Assessment of the response of the baby to suction from a nostril">
357 text = <"Reflex response">
358 >
359 ["at0018"] = <
360 description = <"No gag or response to suction of the airway">
361 text = <"No response to airways suction">
362 >
363 ["at0019"] = <
364 description = <"Grimace only as reaction to airways suction">
365 text = <"Grimace during airways suction">
366 >
367 ["at0020"] = <
368 description = <"Grimace and cough, sneeze or gag as response to airway suction">
369 text = <"Grimace and cough/sneeze during airways suction">
370 >
371 ["at0021"] = <
372 description = <"The color of the skin on the body, trunk and limbs">
373 text = <"Color">
374 >
375 ["at0022"] = <
376 description = <"The body is gray or blue in color">
377 text = <"Whole body is gray">
378 >
379 ["at0023"] = <
380 description = <"The body is pink, hands and feet gray or blue">
381 text = <"Good color in body, hands or feet blue">
382 >
383 ["at0024"] = <
384 description = <"Pink or good color to whole body">
385 text = <"Completely pink or good color">
386 >
387 ["at0025"] = <
388 description = <"The total of the ordinal scores for each parameter">
389 text = <"Score">
390 >
391 ["at0026"] = <
392 description = <"Apgar score 2 minutes after birth">
393 text = <"2 minute">
394 >
395 ["at0027"] = <
396 description = <"Apgar score 5 minutes after birth">
397 text = <"5 minute">
398 >
399 ["at0028"] = <
400 description = <"Apgar score 10 minutes after birth">
401 text = <"10 minute">
402 >
403 ["at0029"] = <
404 description = <"@ internal @">
405 text = <"List">
406 >
407 ["at0030"] = <
408 description = <"Any notes on the measurement of the apgar">
409 text = <"Notes on measurement">
410 >
411 >
412 >
413 ["de"] = <
414 items = <
415 ["at0000"] = <
416 description = <"Klinischer Wert, abgeleitet von der Beurteilung der Atmung, der Hautfarbe, dem Muskeltonus, der Herzfrequenz und der Reaktion von Reflexen, %G�%@blicherweise 1, 5 und 10 Minuten nach der Geburt erhoben">
417 text = <"Apgar Wert">
418 >
419 ["at0001"] = <
420 description = <"@ internal @">
421 text = <"Structure">
422 >
423 ["at0002"] = <
424 description = <"@ internal @">
425 text = <"History">
426 >
427 ["at0003"] = <
428 description = <"Apgar Wert 1 Minute nach der Geburt">
429 text = <"1 Minute">
430 >
431 ["at0005"] = <
432 description = <"Beurteilung der Herzfunktion des Neubegorenen">
433 text = <"Herzfrequenz">
434 >
435 ["at0006"] = <
436 description = <"Kein Herzschlag vorhanden (Palpation am Ende der Nabelschnur)">
437 text = <"Kein Herzschlag">
438 >
439 ["at0007"] = <
440 description = <"Herzfrequenz von weniger als 100 Schl%G�%@gen pro Minute">
441 text = <"Weniger als 100 Schl%G�%@ge pro Minute">
442 >
443 ["at0008"] = <
444 description = <"Herzfrequenz von mehr als oder genau 100 Schl%G�%@gen pro Minute">
445 text = <"Mehr als oder genau 100 Schl%G�%@ge pro Minute">
446 >
447 ["at0009"] = <
448 description = <"Beurteilung des Atmungsbestreben des Neugeborenen">
449 text = <"Atmung">
450 >
451 ["at0010"] = <
452 description = <"Kein Bestreben zu atmen">
453 text = <"Kein Bestreben">
454 >
455 ["at0011"] = <
456 description = <"Etwas bestrebt zu atmen, bewegter Brustkorb">
457 text = <"Geringes Bestreben">
458 >
459 ["at0012"] = <
460 description = <"Normales Schreien oder normale Atmung">
461 text = <"Schreien">
462 >
463 ["at0013"] = <
464 description = <"Beurteilung des Muskeltonus des Neugeborenen">
465 text = <"Muskeltonus">
466 >
467 ["at0014"] = <
468 description = <"Schlaff oder schlapp und keine spontane Bewegung">
469 text = <"Schlaff">
470 >
471 ["at0015"] = <
472 description = <"Etwas Bewegung und Beugen der Arme oder der Beine">
473 text = <"Beugen der Arme und Beine">
474 >
475 ["at0016"] = <
476 description = <"Lebhaft und beweglich">
477 text = <"Lebhafte Bewegung">
478 >
479 ["at0017"] = <
480 description = <"Beurteilung der Reaktion des Neugeborenen auf die Absaugung der Nasenl%G�%@cher">
481 text = <"Reflexantwort">
482 >
483 ["at0018"] = <
484 description = <"kein W%G�%@rgen oder keine Reaktion auf das Absaugen der Atemwege">
485 text = <"Keine Reaktion auf die Absaugung der Atemwege">
486 >
487 ["at0019"] = <
488 description = <"Grimasse als einzige Reaktion auf das Absaugen der Atemwege">
489 text = <"Grimasse w%G�%@hrend der Absaugung der Atemwege">
490 >
491 ["at0020"] = <
492 description = <"Grimasse und husten, niesen oder w%G�%@rgen als Reaktion auf die Absaugung der Atemwege">
493 text = <"Grimasse und Husten/Niesen w%G�%@hrend der Absaugung der Atemwege ">
494 >
495 ["at0021"] = <
496 description = <"Die Farbe der Haut am K%G�%@rper, am Rumpf und an den Gliedern">
497 text = <"Hautfarbe">
498 >
499 ["at0022"] = <
500 description = <"Der K%G�%@rper ist blass oder blau gef%G�%@rbt">
501 text = <"Gesamter K%G�%@rper ist blau oder blass">
502 >
503 ["at0023"] = <
504 description = <"Der K%G�%@rper ist rosig, H%G�%@nde und F%G��%@e sind blass oder blau">
505 text = <"Gesunde K%G�%@rperfarbe, blaue H%G�%@nde oder F%G��%@e">
506 >
507 ["at0024"] = <
508 description = <"Rosige oder gesunde F%G�%@rbung des gesamten K%G�%@rpers">
509 text = <"Vollst%G�%@ndig gesunde oder rosige Farbe">
510 >
511 ["at0025"] = <
512 description = <"Die Summe der Zahlenwerte aller Parameter">
513 text = <"Summe">
514 >
515 ["at0026"] = <
516 description = <"Apgar Wert 2 Minuten nach der Geburt">
517 text = <"2 Minuten">
518 >
519 ["at0027"] = <
520 description = <"Apgar Wert 5 Minuten nach der Geburt">
521 text = <"5 Minuten">
522 >
523 ["at0028"] = <
524 description = <"Apgar Wert 10 Minuten nach der Geburt">
525 text = <"10 Minuten">
526 >
527 ["at0029"] = <
528 description = <"@ internal @">
529 text = <"List">
530 >
531 ["at0030"] = <
532 description = <"Anmerkungen zur Messung des Apgar Wertes">
533 text = <"Anmerkungen zur Messung">
534 >
535 >
536 >
537 >
538 term_binding = <
539 ["LNC205"] = <
540 items = <
541 ["/data[at0002]/events[at0003]/data[at0001]/items[at0025]"] = <[LNC205::9272-6]>
542 ["/data[at0002]/events[at0028]/data/items[at0025]"] = <[LNC205::9271-8]>
543 >
544 >
545 >
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