source: ruby/tags/release-0.0.1/adl_parser/tests/openEHR-EHR-EVALUATION.adverse.v1.adl@ 286

Last change on this file since 286 was 15, checked in by Tatsukawa, Akimichi, 16 years ago

added draft adl files

File size: 14.3 KB
1archetype (adl_version=1.4)
2 openEHR-EHR-EVALUATION.adverse.v1
5 [at0000] -- Adverse reaction
7 original_language = <[ISO_639-1::en]>
8 translations = <
9 ["de"] = <
10 language = <[ISO_639-1::de]>
11 author = <
12 ["name"] = <"Jasmin Buck, Sebastian Garde">
13 ["organisation"] = <"University of Heidelberg, Central Queensland University">
14 >
15 >
16 >
18 original_author = <
19 ["name"] = <"Sam Heard">
20 ["organisation"] = <"Ocean Informatics">
21 ["date"] = <"23/04/2006">
22 ["email"] = <"">
23 >
24 details = <
25 ["de"] = <
26 language = <[ISO_639-1::de]>
27 purpose = <"Zur Dokumentation von Nebenwirkungen auf einen bestimmten Wirkstoff. Die Art dieses Stoffes kann ebenfalls Dokumentiert werden. Früherer Aufzeichnungen können hinzugefügt werden und auch die Art der Reaktion beim jeweiligen Ereignis.">
28 use = <"">
29 keywords = <"Reaktion", "allergisch", "Allergie", "Intoleranz">
30 misuse = <"Nicht zur Dokumentation keines Verlaufs einer Reaktion auf eine Substanz. Für diesen Zweck openEHR-EVALUATION.excluded-adverse benutzen. Für unbekannte Reaktionen auf beliebige Wirkstoffe openEHR-EVALUATION.excluded benutzen.">
31 >
32 ["en"] = <
33 language = <[ISO_639-1::en]>
34 purpose = <"For recording adverse reaction(s) to a particular 'Agent' the type of which may be recorded also. Historical recordings may be added and the type of reaction on each occasion.">
35 use = <"">
36 keywords = <"reaction", "allergic", "allergy", "intolerance">
37 misuse = <"Do not use for recording no history of a reaction to a substance. Use openEHR-EVALUATION.excluded-adverse for this purpose. No known reactions to any agents, use openEHR-EVALUATION.excluded.">
38 >
39 >
40 lifecycle_state = <"AuthorDraft">
41 other_contributors = <"NEHTA data groups (Australia)", "General Practice Computing Group (Australia)">
44 EVALUATION[at0000] matches { -- Adverse reaction
45 data matches {
46 ITEM_TREE[at0002] matches { -- structure
47 items cardinality matches {0..*; unordered} matches {
48 ELEMENT[at0003] matches { -- Agent
49 value matches {
50 DV_TEXT matches {*}
51 }
52 }
53 ELEMENT[at0010] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Agent category
54 value matches {
55 DV_CODED_TEXT matches {
56 defining_code matches {
57 [local::
58 at0011, -- Food
59 at0012, -- Animal
60 at0013, -- Medication
61 at0014, -- Other chemical or substance
62 at0031, -- Non-active ingredient of medication
63 at0033, -- Imaging dye or media
64 at0034] -- Environmental
65 }
66 }
67 }
68 }
69 CLUSTER[at0019] occurrences matches {0..*} matches { -- Exposure and reaction detail
70 items cardinality matches {1..*; unordered} matches {
71 ELEMENT[at0032] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Specific substance
72 value matches {
73 DV_TEXT matches {*}
74 }
75 }
76 ELEMENT[at0015] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Reaction category
77 value matches {
78 DV_CODED_TEXT matches {
79 defining_code matches {
80 [local::
81 at0016, -- Intolerance
82 at0017, -- Sensitivity
83 at0018, -- Allergy
84 at0030] -- No reaction
85 }
86 }
87 }
88 }
89 ELEMENT[at0004] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Probability of causation
90 value matches {
91 DV_CODED_TEXT matches {
92 defining_code matches {
93 [local::
94 at0005, -- Certain/Highly likely
95 at0006, -- Probable
96 at0007] -- Possible
97 }
98 }
99 }
100 }
101 ELEMENT[at0020] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Date of exposure
102 value matches {
103 DV_DATE_TIME matches {
104 value matches {yyyy-??-??T??:??:??}
105 }
106 }
107 }
108 ELEMENT[at0021] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Duration of the exposure
109 value matches {
110 DV_DURATION matches {
111 value matches {PYMWDTHMS}
112 }
113 }
114 }
115 ELEMENT[at0023] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Reaction severity
116 value matches {
117 DV_CODED_TEXT matches {
118 defining_code matches {
119 [local::
120 at0024, -- Mild
121 at0025, -- Disabling
122 at0026] -- Life threatening
123 }
124 }
125 }
126 }
127 ELEMENT[at0022] matches { -- Reaction description
128 value matches {
129 DV_TEXT matches {*}
130 }
131 }
132 ELEMENT[at0027] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Date of onset of reaction
133 value matches {
134 DV_DATE_TIME matches {
135 value matches {yyyy-??-??T??:??:??}
136 }
137 }
138 }
139 ELEMENT[at0028] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Duration of the reaction
140 value matches {
142 property = <[openehr::128]>
143 >
144 }
145 }
146 }
147 }
148 }
149 }
150 }
151 }
154 term_definitions = <
155 ["de"] = <
156 items = <
157 ["at0000"] = <
158 description = <"Zur Dokumentation des Vorhandenseins von schädlichen oder unerwünschten Reaktionen auf einen Wirkstoff oder eine Substanz, einschließlich Nahrung, festgestellt von einem Klinikarzt - Vergiftungen und unsachgemäßer Gebrauch ausgeschlossen">
159 text = <"Nebenwirkung">
160 >
161 ["at0002"] = <
162 description = <"@ internal @">
163 text = <"Structure">
164 >
165 ["at0003"] = <
166 description = <"Der Wirkstoff, die Substanz oder die Klasse, welche die Nebenwirkung ausgelöst hat">
167 text = <"Wirkstoff">
168 >
169 ["at0004"] = <
170 description = <"Grad an Sicherheit, dass der Wirkstoff der Auslöser der Reaktion war">
171 text = <"Wahrscheinlichkeit für kausalen Zusammenhang">
172 >
173 ["at0005"] = <
174 description = <"Die Reaktion ist laut einem Klinikarzt auf den Wirkstoff zurückzuführen">
175 text = <"Sicher/ sehr wahrscheinlich">
176 >
177 ["at0006"] = <
178 description = <"Die Reaktion ist wahrscheinlich auf den Wirkstoff zurückzuführen">
179 text = <"Wahrscheinlich">
180 >
181 ["at0007"] = <
182 description = <"Die Reaktion ist möglicherweise auf den Wirkstoff zurückzuführen">
183 text = <"Möglicherweise">
184 >
185 ["at0010"] = <
186 description = <"Die Gruppe des Wirkstoffs">
187 text = <"Wirkstoffgruppe">
188 >
189 ["at0011"] = <
190 description = <"Eine Substanz, die als Teil der Ernährung zugeführt wurde ">
191 text = <"Nahrungsmittel">
192 >
193 ["at0012"] = <
194 description = <"Ein lebender Organismus und dessen Gift oder produzierter Stoff">
195 text = <"Tier">
196 >
197 ["at0013"] = <
198 description = <"Eine Substanz, die aus medizinischen Gründen eingenommen oder verabreicht wurde">
199 text = <"Medikament">
200 >
201 ["at0014"] = <
202 description = <"Nicht-medizinische Chemikalie oder Substanz">
203 text = <"Andere Chemikalie oder Substanz">
204 >
205 ["at0015"] = <
206 description = <"Die Art der von der Person erfahrenen Reaktion, von einem Klinikarzt ermittelt">
207 text = <"Reaktionsart">
208 >
209 ["at0016"] = <
210 description = <"Führt zu unerfreulichen Symptomen, die ausreichen um einen Gebrauch in der Zukunft zu vermeiden">
211 text = <"Intoleranz">
212 >
213 ["at0017"] = <
214 description = <"Führt zu Krankhaftigkeit die eventuell zum Wohle des Patienten behandelt werden muss">
215 text = <"Empfindlichkeit">
216 >
217 ["at0018"] = <
218 description = <"Führt zu einer IgE Reaktion">
219 text = <"Allergie">
220 >
221 ["at0019"] = <
222 description = <"Einzelheiten der von der Person erfahrenen Reaktion">
223 text = <"Exposition und Einzelheiten der Reaktion">
224 >
225 ["at0020"] = <
226 description = <"Das Datum (+/- Zeit) wann die Person gegenüber dem Wirkstoff exponiert wurde">
227 text = <"Datum der Exposition">
228 >
229 ["at0021"] = <
230 description = <"Die Dauer der Exposition gegenüber dem Wirkstoff">
231 text = <"Dauer der Exposition">
232 >
233 ["at0022"] = <
234 description = <"Eine Beschreibung der von einer Person erfahrenen Reaktion auf einen Wirkstoff">
235 text = <"Beschreibung der Reaktion">
236 >
237 ["at0023"] = <
238 description = <"Die Klasse der Reaktion für zukünftige Empfehlungen">
239 text = <"Schweregrad der Reaktion">
240 >
241 ["at0024"] = <
242 description = <"Eine Reaktion, die wenig Leiden und keinen Verlust der Arbeitsfähigkeit/ Schulfähigkeit verursacht">
243 text = <"Gelinde">
244 >
245 ["at0025"] = <
246 description = <"Eine Reaktion, die Krankheit und/oder den Verlust Funktionen verursacht">
247 text = <"Unfähig machend">
248 >
249 ["at0026"] = <
250 description = <"Eine Reaktion die lebensbedrohlich wahr oder sein kann">
251 text = <"Lebensbedrohlich">
252 >
253 ["at0027"] = <
254 description = <"Das Datum, an dem die Reaktion eintrat">
255 text = <"Datum des Beginns der Reaktion">
256 >
257 ["at0028"] = <
258 description = <"Die Dauer der Reaktion">
259 text = <"Dauer der Reaktion">
260 >
261 ["at0030"] = <
262 description = <"Die Person war ohne Reaktion exponiert">
263 text = <"Keine Reaktion">
264 >
265 ["at0031"] = <
266 description = <"Ein nicht-medizinischer Bestandteil des Medikaments, wie Farbstoff, Konservierungsstoff, usw. (Untertyp von andere Chemikalien)">
267 text = <"Inaktiver Bestandteil des Medikaments">
268 >
269 ["at0032"] = <
270 description = <"Die charakteristische Substanz, die die Reaktion verursacht, falls verschieden vom Wirkstoff (z.B. Marken oder Teile einer Klasse)">
271 text = <"Charakteristische Substanz">
272 >
273 ["at0033"] = <
274 description = <"Zur diagnostischen Bildgebung benutzter Farbstoff oder Medium (Untertyp von anderen Chemikalien)">
275 text = <"Abbildender Farbstoff oder Medium">
276 >
277 ["at0034"] = <
278 description = <"Ein in der Umwelt vorhandener Wirkstoff">
279 text = <"Umgebend">
280 >
281 >
282 >
283 ["en"] = <
284 items = <
285 ["at0000"] = <
286 description = <"Recording the presence of a harmful or undesirable response to an agent or substance including food, as determined by the clinician - excluding poisoning and abnormal use">
287 text = <"Adverse reaction">
288 >
289 ["at0002"] = <
290 description = <"@ internal @">
291 text = <"structure">
292 >
293 ["at0003"] = <
294 description = <"The agent or substance or class that caused the adverse reaction">
295 text = <"Agent">
296 >
297 ["at0004"] = <
298 description = <"Degree of certainty that the agent was the cause of the reaction">
299 text = <"Probability of causation">
300 >
301 ["at0005"] = <
302 description = <"A reaction to the agent is deemed to be or have been present by the clinician">
303 text = <"Certain/Highly likely">
304 >
305 ["at0006"] = <
306 description = <"The reaction is deemed to be the probable cause of the reaction">
307 text = <"Probable">
308 >
309 ["at0007"] = <
310 description = <"The agent is deemed to be a possible cause of the reaction">
311 text = <"Possible">
312 >
313 ["at0010"] = <
314 description = <"The category of the agent">
315 text = <"Agent category">
316 >
317 ["at0011"] = <
318 description = <"A substance taken as part of the diet">
319 text = <"Food">
320 >
321 ["at0012"] = <
322 description = <"A living organism or its venom or produce">
323 text = <"Animal">
324 >
325 ["at0013"] = <
326 description = <"A substance taken or applied for medicinal purposes">
327 text = <"Medication">
328 >
329 ["at0014"] = <
330 description = <"Non-medicinal chemicals or substances">
331 text = <"Other chemical or substance">
332 >
333 ["at0015"] = <
334 description = <"The type of reaction experience by the person as determined by the clinician">
335 text = <"Reaction category">
336 >
337 ["at0016"] = <
338 description = <"Leads to unpleasant symptoms which are sufficient to avoid use in the future">
339 text = <"Intolerance">
340 >
341 ["at0017"] = <
342 description = <"Leads to morbidity which is potentially threatening to the wellbeing of the person">
343 text = <"Sensitivity">
344 >
345 ["at0018"] = <
346 description = <"Leads to an IgE mediated reaction">
347 text = <"Allergy">
348 >
349 ["at0019"] = <
350 description = <"Details of the reaction experienced by the person">
351 text = <"Exposure and reaction detail">
352 >
353 ["at0020"] = <
354 description = <"The date (+/- time) when the person became exposed to the agent">
355 text = <"Date of exposure">
356 >
357 ["at0021"] = <
358 description = <"The duration of the exposure to the agent">
359 text = <"Duration of the exposure">
360 >
361 ["at0022"] = <
362 description = <"A description of the reaction to this agent as experienced by the person">
363 text = <"Reaction description">
364 >
365 ["at0023"] = <
366 description = <"The category of the reaction for future reference">
367 text = <"Reaction severity">
368 >
369 ["at0024"] = <
370 description = <"A reaction which causes little distress and no loss of work/school">
371 text = <"Mild">
372 >
373 ["at0025"] = <
374 description = <"A reaction which causes morbidity and/or loss of function">
375 text = <"Disabling">
376 >
377 ["at0026"] = <
378 description = <"A reaction which was or could be lifethreatening">
379 text = <"Life threatening">
380 >
381 ["at0027"] = <
382 description = <"The date the reaction began">
383 text = <"Date of onset of reaction">
384 >
385 ["at0028"] = <
386 description = <"The duration of the reaction">
387 text = <"Duration of the reaction">
388 >
389 ["at0030"] = <
390 description = <"Person has been exposed with no reaction">
391 text = <"No reaction">
392 >
393 ["at0031"] = <
394 description = <"A non-medicinal ingredient of medication such as colouring, preservative, etc (subtype of other chemical)">
395 text = <"Non-active ingredient of medication">
396 >
397 ["at0032"] = <
398 description = <"The specific substance that caused the reaction if different from the agent (e.g. brands or members of a class)">
399 text = <"Specific substance">
400 >
401 ["at0033"] = <
402 description = <"A dye or media used in diagnostic imaging (subtype of other chemical)">
403 text = <"Imaging dye or media">
404 >
405 ["at0034"] = <
406 description = <"An agent present in the environment">
407 text = <"Environmental">
408 >
409 >
410 >
411 >
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