module OpenEhr module RM module Support module Terminology class CodeSetAccess def all_codes raise NotImplementedError, "all_codes must be implemented" end def has_code(a_code) raise NotImplementedError, "has_code must be implemented" end def has_lang(a_lang) raise NotImplementedError, "has_lang must be implemented" end def id raise NotImplementedError, "id must be returned" end end module OpenEHRCodeSetIdentifier CODE_SET_ID_CHARACER_SETS = "character sets".freeze CODE_SET_ID_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHMS = "compression algorithms".freeze CODE_SET_ID_COUNTRIES = "countries".freeze CODE_SET_ID_INTEGRITY_CHECK_ALGORITHMS = "integrity check algorithms".freeze CODE_SET_ID_LANGUAGES = "languages".freeze CODE_SET_ID_MEDIA_TYPES = "media types".freeze def valid_code_set_id(an_id) !@an_id.nil? end end module OpenEHRTerminologyGroupIdentifiers GROUP_ID_ATTESTATION_REASON = "attestation reason".freeze GROUP_ID_AUDIT_CHANGE_TYPE = "audit change type".freeze GROUP_ID_COMPOSITION_CATEGORY = "composition category".freeze GROUP_ID_MATH_FUNCTION = "event math function".freeze GROUP_ID_INSTRUCTION_STATES = "instruction states".freeze GROUP_ID_INSTRUCTION_TRANSITIONS = "instruction transitions".freeze GROUP_ID_NULL_FLAVOURS = "null flavours".freeze GROUP_ID_PARTICIPATION_FUNCTION = "participation function".freeze GROUP_ID_PARTICIPATION_MODE = "participation mode".freeze GROUP_ID_PROPERTY = "property".freeze GROUP_ID_SETTING = "setting".freeze.freeze GROUP_ID_SUBJECT_RELATIONSHIP = "subject relationship".freeze GROUP_ID_TERM_MAPPING_PURPOSE = "term mapping purpose".freeze GROUP_ID_VERSION_LIFECYCLE_STATE = "version lifecycle state".freeze TERMINOLOGY_ID = "openehr".freeze end class TerminologyAccess attr_reader :id def initialize(args = {}) = args[:id] end def all_codes raise NotImplementedError, "all_codes is not implemented" end def codes_for_group_id(group_id) raise NotImplementedError, "codes_for_group_id is not implemented" end def codes_for_group_name(name, lang) raise NotImplementedError, "codes_for_group_name is not implemented" end def has_code_for_group_id(group_id, a_code) end def id=(id) @terminology = Terminology.find_all_by_name(id) @id = id end def rubric_for_code(code, lang) return Terminology.find(:first, :conditions => {:code => code, :lang => lang}) end private def id_exists if id.nil? raise ArgumentError, "id must not be nil" elsif id.empty? raise ArgumentError, "id must not be empty" end end end class TerminologyService include OpenEHRCodeSetIdentifier, OpenEHRTerminologyGroupIdentifiers def code_set(name) raise NotImplementedError, "code_set is not implemented" end def code_set_for_id(id) raise NotImplementedError, "code_set_for_id is not implemented" end def code_set_identifiers raise NotImplementedError, "code_set_for_identifiers is not implemented" end def has_code_set(name) raise NotImplementedError, "has_code_set is not implemented" end def has_terminology?(name) raise NotImplementedError, "has_terminology is not implemented" end def openehr_code_sets raise NotImplementedError, "openehr_code_set is not implemented" end def terminology(name) return => name) end def terminology_identifiers raise NotImplementedError, "terminology_identiferes is not implemented" end end end # of Terminology end # of Support end # of RM end # of OpenEHR