require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../../spec_helper' include OpenEHR::RM::Support::Identification describe ObjectVersionID do before(:each) do @object_version_id = => 'F7C5C7B7-75DB-4b39-9A1E-C0BA9BFDBDEC::87284370-2D4B-4e3d-A3F3-F303D2F4F34B::2') end it 'should be an instance of ObjectVersionID' do @object_version_id.should be_an_instance_of ObjectVersionID end it 'should not be branched' do @object_version_id.is_branch?.should be_false end it 'should have valid object_id' do @object_version_id.object_id.value.should == 'F7C5C7B7-75DB-4b39-9A1E-C0BA9BFDBDEC' end it 'should have valid creating_system_id' do @object_version_id.creating_system_id.value.should == '87284370-2D4B-4e3d-A3F3-F303D2F4F34B' end it 'should raise ArgumentError with invalid format' do lambda { @object_version_id.value = 'invalid:form' }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArgumentError with nil object id' do lambda { @object_version_id.object_id = nil }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArgumentError with nil creating system id' do lambda { @object_version_id.creating_system_id = nil }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArgumentError with nil version_tree_id' do lambda { @object_version_id.version_tree_id = nil }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should be branch if version_identifier represent branch' do @object_version_id.version_tree_id.value = '2.3.4' @object_version_id.is_branch?.should be_true end end