require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../../spec_helper' include OpenEHR::RM::Support::Identification describe LocatableRef do before(:each) do object_version_id = => 'deadbeef::babe::1') @locatable_ref = => object_version_id, :namespace => 'local', :type =>'PERSON', :path => 'test/support') end it 'should be an instance of LocatableRef' do @locatable_ref.should be_an_instance_of LocatableRef end it 'id should be deadbeef::babe::1' do == 'deadbeef::babe::1' end it 'path should be test/support' do @locatable_ref.path.should == 'test/support' end it 'as_uri should be ehr://deadbeef::babe::1/test/support' do @locatable_ref.as_uri.should == 'ehr://deadbeef::babe::1/test/support' end it 'should raise ArgumentError with empty path' do lambda { @locatable_ref.path = '' }.should raise_error ArgumentError end end