require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../../spec_helper' include OpenEHR::RM::Support::Identification describe ArchetypeID do before(:each) do @archetype_id = => 'openEHR-EHR-SECTION.physical_examination-prenatal.v2') end it 'should be an instance of ArchetypeID' do @archetype_id.should be_an_instance_of ArchetypeID end it 's qualified_rm_entity should be openEHR-EHR-SECTION' do @archetype_id.qualified_rm_entity.should == 'openEHR-EHR-SECTION' end it 's rm_originator should be openEHR' do @archetype_id.rm_originator.should == 'openEHR' end it 's rm_name should be EHR' do @archetype_id.rm_name.should == 'EHR' end it 'rm_entity should be SECTION' do @archetype_id.rm_entity.should == 'SECTION' end it 's domain_concept should be physical_examination-prenatal' do @archetype_id.domain_concept.should == 'physical_examination-prenatal' end it 's concept name should be physical_examination' do @archetype_id.concept_name.should == 'physical_examination' end it 's specialisation should be prenatal' do @archetype_id.specialisation.should == 'prenatal' end it 's version_id should == v2' do @archetype_id.version_id.should == 'v2' end end