require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../../spec_helper' include OpenEHR::RM::DataTypes::Text describe TermMapping do before(:each) do target_stub = stub(DvCodedText, :value => 'TEST') purpose_stub = stub(DvCodedText, :value => 'automated') @term_mapping = => target_stub, :match => '=', :purpose => purpose_stub) end it 'should means equivalent' do @term_mapping.should be_equivalent end it 'should means narrower' do @term_mapping.match = '<' @term_mapping.should be_narrower end it 'should means broader' do @term_mapping.match = '>' @term_mapping.should be_broader end it 'should means unknown' do @term_mapping.match = '?' @term_mapping.should be_unknown end it 'should be valid match code >' do TermMapping.is_valid_mach_code?('>').should be_true end it 'should be valid match code =' do TermMapping.is_valid_mach_code?('=').should be_true end it 'should be valid match code <' do TermMapping.is_valid_mach_code?('<').should be_true end it 'should be valid match code ?' do TermMapping.is_valid_mach_code?('?').should be_true end it 'should be not valid code /' do TermMapping.is_valid_mach_code?('/').should_not be_true end it 's purpose should == automated' do @term_mapping.purpose.value.should == 'automated' end it 'should raise ArgumentError when match is not valid' do lambda {@term_mapping.match = '/'}.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end