require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../../spec_helper' include OpenEHR::RM::DataTypes::Quantity describe ProportionKind do it 'should be valid proportion kind 0' do ProportionKind.should be_valid_proportion_kind 0 end it 'should be valid proportion kind 2' do ProportionKind.should be_valid_proportion_kind 2 end it 'should be valid proportionkind 4' do ProportionKind.should be_valid_proportion_kind 4 end it 'should not be valid proportionkind -1' do ProportionKind.should_not be_valid_proportion_kind -1 end it 'should not be valid proportionkind 5' do ProportionKind.should_not be_valid_proportion_kind 5 end end