require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../../spec_helper' include OpenEHR::RM::DataTypes::Quantity describe DvQuantity do before(:each) do @dv_quantity = => 3, :units => 'mg', :precision => 0) end it 'should be an instance of DvQuantity' do @dv_quantity.should be_instance_of DvQuantity end it 's units should be mg' do @dv_quantity.units.should == 'mg' end describe 'Mathematical Operation' do before(:each) do @dv_quantity5 = => 5, :units => 'mg') end it 'should be comparable to 5mg' do @dv_quantity.is_strictly_comparable_to?(@dv_quantity5).should be_true end it 'should be 8mg added 5mg' do dv_quantity = @dv_quantity + @dv_quantity5 dv_quantity.magnitude.should == 8 end it 'should be -2mg minus 5mg' do dv_quantity = @dv_quantity - @dv_quantity5 dv_quantity.magnitude.should == -2 end it 's unit should be mg' do (@dv_quantity + @dv_quantity5).units.should == 'mg' end end it 'should not be comparable to 8km' do dv_quantity = => 8, :units => 'km') @dv_quantity.is_strictly_comparable_to?(dv_quantity).should_not be_true end it 'should return false with other type' do @dv_quantity.is_strictly_comparable_to?(1).should_not be_true end it 's precision should be equal 0' do @dv_quantity.precision.should == 0 end it 'should be integral' do @dv_quantity.is_integral?.should be_true end it 'should not be integral do' do @dv_quantity.precision = 3 @dv_quantity.is_integral?.should_not be_true end it 'should not raise ArgumentError with -1 precision' do lambda { @dv_quantity.precision = -1 }.should_not raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArgumentError with -2 precision' do lambda { @dv_quantity.precision = -2 }.should raise_error ArgumentError end end