require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../../spec_helper' include OpenEHR::RM::DataTypes::Quantity include OpenEHR::RM::DataTypes::Text include OpenEHR::RM::Support::Identification describe DvOrdinal do before(:each) do terminology_id = stub(TerminologyId, :value => 'urine:prot') code_phrase = stub(CodePhrase, :terminology_id => terminology_id) symbol = stub(DvCodedText, :code_string => '+', :defining_code => code_phrase) dv_text = stub(DvText, :value => 'limits') limits = stub(ReferenceRange, :meaning => dv_text) @dv_ordinal = => 1, :symbol => symbol, :limits => limits) end it 'should be an instance of DvOrdinal' do @dv_ordinal.should be_an_instance_of DvOrdinal end it 's value should be equal 1' do @dv_ordinal.value.should be_equal 1 end it 's symbol should be + code string' do @dv_ordinal.symbol.code_string.should == '+' end it 's symbol defining_code should be urine:prot' do @dv_ordinal.symbol.defining_code.terminology_id.value.should == 'urine:prot' end it 'should be strictry comperable to other DvOrdinal' do terminology_id = stub(TerminologyId, :value => 'urine:prot') code_phrase = stub(CodePhrase, :terminology_id => terminology_id) symbol = stub(DvCodedText, :defining_code => code_phrase) dv_ordinal = => 2, :symbol => symbol) @dv_ordinal.is_strictly_comparable_to?(dv_ordinal).should be_true end it 's limit.value should be limits' do @dv_ordinal.limits.meaning.value.should == 'limits' end it 'should raise error when limits.value is not limitted' do unlimit = stub(DvText, :value => 'unimitted') unlimitted_range = stub(ReferenceRange, :meaning => unlimit) lambda { @dv_ordinal.limits = unlimitted_range }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should be comparable' do dv_ordinal = stub(DvOrdinal, :value => 2) @dv_ordinal.should < dv_ordinal end it 'is_strictly comparable should be false with other instance' do @dv_ordinal.is_strictly_comparable_to?('dummy').should be_false end it 'is strictly comparable should be false with other terminology' do terminology_id = stub(Terminology, :value => 'blood pressure') code_phrase = stub(CodePhrase, :terminology_id => terminology_id) symbol = stub(DvCodedText, :defining_code => code_phrase) dv_ordinal = => 3, :symbol => symbol) @dv_ordinal.is_strictly_comparable_to?(dv_ordinal).should be_false end end