require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../../spec_helper' include OpenEHR::RM::DataTypes::Quantity include OpenEHR::RM::DataTypes::Text describe DvOrdered do before(:each) do @dv_ordered = end it 'should be an instance of DvOrdered' do @dv_ordered.should be_an_instance_of DvOrdered end it 'is_normal? should be false' do @dv_ordered.is_normal?.should be_false end it 'should be normal' do normal_code = stub(CodePhrase, :code_string => 'N') @dv_ordered.normal_status = normal_code @dv_ordered.is_normal?.should be_true end it 'should not be normal' do abnormal_code = stub(CodePhrase, :code_string => 'H') @dv_ordered.normal_status = abnormal_code @dv_ordered.is_normal?.should_not be_true end it 'is_simple? should be true' do @dv_ordered.is_simple?.should be_true end it 'is_simple? should be false' do @dv_ordered.other_reference_ranges = 'dummy' @dv_ordered.is_simple?.should be_false end it 'should raise ArgumentError' do lambda{ @dv_ordered.other_reference_ranges = '' }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should be normal in range' do normal_range = stub(DvInterval, :has => true) @dv_ordered.normal_range = normal_range @dv_ordered.is_normal?.should be_true end it 'is_strictly_comparable_to should raise ArgumentError' do lambda{ @dv_ordered.is_strictly_comparable_to? 'test' }.should raise_error(NotImplementedError) end it 'should be raise NotImplemented error' do lambda { @dv_ordered<=>1 }.should raise_error(NotImplementedError) end end