require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../../spec_helper' include OpenEHR::RM::DataTypes::Encapsulated include OpenEHR::RM::DataTypes::Text include OpenEHR::RM::DataTypes::Uri include OpenEHR::RM::Support::Identification describe DvMultimedia do before(:each) do media_type = stub(CodePhrase, :code_string => 'text/xml') charset = stub(CodePhrase, :code_string => 'UTF-8') uri = stub(DvUri, :value => '') data = Array['123412', '123112'] compression_algorithm = stub(CodePhrase, :code_string => 'gzip') integrity_check = Array['123456789ABCDEF','DEADBEEF'] integrity_check_algorithm = stub(CodePhrase, :code_string => 'SHA-1') alternate_text = 'test' @dv_multimedia = => 'test', :media_type => media_type, :charset => charset, :uri => uri, :data => data, :compression_algorithm => compression_algorithm, :integrity_check => integrity_check, :integrity_check_algorithm => integrity_check_algorithm, :alternate_text => alternate_text) end it 'should be an instance of DvMultimedia' do @dv_multimedia.should be_an_instance_of DvMultimedia end it 's value should be test' do @dv_multimedia.value.should == 'test' end it 's media_type should be text/xml' do @dv_multimedia.media_type.code_string.should == 'text/xml' end it 's size should be equal 15' do @dv_multimedia.size.should be_equal 15 end it 's charset should be UTF-8' do @dv_multimedia.charset.code_string.should == 'UTF-8' end it 's uri value should be ' do @dv_multimedia.uri.value.should == '' end it 's data[0] should be 123412' do[0].should == '123412' end it 's compression_algorithm should be gzip' do @dv_multimedia.compression_algorithm.code_string.should == 'gzip' end it 's integrity_check[1] should be DEADBEEF' do @dv_multimedia.integrity_check[1].should == 'DEADBEEF' end it 's integrity_check_algorithm should be SHA-1' do @dv_multimedia.integrity_check_algorithm.code_string.should == 'SHA-1' end it 's alternate text should be test' do @dv_multimedia.alternate_text.should == 'test' end it 'has_integrity_check should be true' it 'is compressed should be true' it 'is_external should be true' it 'is_internal should be false' end