require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper' include OpenEHR::AssumedLibraryTypes describe ISO8601Timezone do before(:each) do @iso8601timezone ='+0900') end it 'should be an instance of ISO8601Timezone' do @iso8601timezone.should be_an_instance_of ISO8601Timezone end it 'sign should be +1' do @iso8601timezone.sign.should == +1 end it 'hour should be 9' do @iso8601timezone.hour.should == 9 end it 'minute should be 0' do @iso8601timezone.minute.should == 0 end it 'should be +0900 as string' do @iso8601timezone.as_string.should == '+0900' end it 'should not be gmt' do @iso8601timezone.is_gmt?.should_not be_true end it 'should raise ArgumentError with invalid format' do lambda {'ABCDE') }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should allow - sign' do @iso8601timezone ='-5000') @iso8601timezone.as_string.should == '-5000' end describe 'GMT' do before(:each) do @iso8601timezone ='Z') end it 'should racognize UTC as Z' do @iso8601timezone.as_string.should == '+0000' end it 'should be gmt(almost)' do @iso8601timezone.is_gmt?.should be_true end end end