require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper' include OpenEHR::AssumedLibraryTypes describe ISO8601Time do before(:each) do @iso8601time ='15:55:37.32+0900') end it 'should be an instance of ISO8601Time' do @iso8601time.should be_an_instance_of ISO8601Time end it 's hour should be 15' do @iso8601time.hour.should == 15 end it 's minute should be 55' do @iso8601time.minute.should == 55 end it 's second should be 37'do @iso8601time.second.should == 37 end it 's fractional second should be 0.32' do @iso8601time.fractional_second == 0.32 end it 'have fractional_second' do @iso8601time.should have_fractional_second end it 's time zone should +0900' do @iso8601time.timezone == '+0900' end it 'should be 15:55:37.32+0900 as_string' do @iso8601time.as_string.should == '15:55:37.32+0900' end it 'decimal sign should not be comma' do @iso8601time.is_decimal_sign_comma?.should_not be_true end it 'should be extended' do @iso8601time.is_extended?.should be_true end it 'should not be partial' do @iso8601time.is_partial?.should_not be true end describe 'hour behavior' do it 'should raise ArgumentError with nil hour' do lambda { @iso8601time.hour = nil }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should not raise ArgumentError with -1 hour' do lambda { @iso8601time.hour = -1 }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should not raise ArgumentError with 0 hour' do lambda { @iso8601time.hour = 0 }.should_not raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should not raise ArgumentError with 23 hour' do lambda { @iso8601time.hour = 23 }.should_not raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should not raise ArgumentError with 24 hour' do lambda { @iso8601time.hour = 24 }.should raise_error ArgumentError end end describe 'minute behavior' do it 'should raise ArgumentError with -1 miniute' do lambda { @iso8601time.minute = -1 }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should not raise ArgumentError with 0 minute' do lambda { @iso8601time.minute = 0 }.should_not raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should not raise ArgumentError with 59 minute' do lambda { @iso8601time.minute = 59 }.should_not raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArgumentError with 60 minute' do lambda { @iso8601time.minute = 60 }.should raise_error ArgumentError end end describe 'second behavior' do it 'should raise ArgumentError with -1 miniute' do lambda { @iso8601time.second = -1 }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should not raise ArgumentError with 0 second' do lambda { @iso8601time.second = 0 }.should_not raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should not raise ArgumentError with 59 second' do lambda { @iso8601time.second = 59 }.should_not raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArgumentError with 60 second' do lambda { @iso8601time.second = 60 }.should raise_error ArgumentError end end describe 'fractional second behavior' do it 'should raise ArgumentError less than -0.0' do lambda { @iso8601time.fractional_second = -0.1 }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArgumentError more than 1.0' do lambda { @iso8601time.fractional_second = 1.0 }.should raise_error ArgumentError end end describe 'timezone behavior' do it 'should raise ArgumentError with invalid timezone' do lambda { @iso8601time.timezone = '+AbD:111' }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should allow ArgumentError with nil timezone' do lambda { @iso8601time.timezone = nil }.should_not raise_error ArgumentError end end describe 'constructor behavior' do it 'should_not raise ArgumentError with 21:18:09.01' do lambda {'21:18:09.01') }.should_not raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should_not raise ArgumentError with 21:18:09' do lambda {'21:18:09') }.should_not raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should_not raise ArgumentError with 21:18' do lambda {'21:18') }.should_not raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should_not raise ArgumentError with 21' do lambda {'21') }.should_not raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArgumentError with malformation' do lambda {'ABDCD') }.should raise_error ArgumentError end end describe 'ISO8601 time validation' do it 'should be valid iso8601 Time' do ISO8601Time.should be_valid_iso8601_time '21:24:30.05+09:00' end it 'should not be valid with over 24 hour' do ISO8601Time.should_not be_valid_iso8601_time '24:24:30.05+09:00' end it 'should be valid with over 24:00:00' do ISO8601Time.should be_valid_iso8601_time '24:00:00.00' end it 'should not vaild with under 0 hour' do ISO8601Time.should_not be_valid_iso8601_time '-1:24:30.05+09:00' end it 'should not valid with more than 60 minutes' do ISO8601Time.should_not be_valid_iso8601_time '21:60:30' end it 'should not valid with more than 60 seconds' do ISO8601Time.should_not be_valid_iso8601_time '21:34:60' end it 'should not valid with invalid hour in timezone' do ISO8601Time.should_not be_valid_iso8601_time '21:24:30.05+24:00' end it 'should not valid with invalid minute in timezone' do ISO8601Time.should_not be_valid_iso8601_time '21:24:30.05+22:60' end it 'should not valid with invalid minute in timezone' do ISO8601Time.should_not be_valid_iso8601_time '21:24:30.05TAABZ' end end end