source: adl/trunk/openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v1.adl@ 309

Last change on this file since 309 was 2, checked in by KOBAYASHI, Shinji, 16 years ago

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[2]1archetype (adl_version=1.4)
2 openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v1
5 [at0000] -- Blood pressure
7 original_language = <[ISO_639-1::en]>
8 translations = <
9 ["de"] = <
10 language = <[ISO_639-1::de]>
11 author = <
12 ["name"] = <"Sebastian Garde, Jasmin Buck">
13 ["organisation"] = <"Central Queensland University, University of Heidelberg">
14 >
15 >
16 >
18 original_author = <
19 ["name"] = <"Sam Heard">
20 ["organisation"] = <"Ocean Informatics">
21 ["date"] = <"22/03/2006">
22 ["email"] = <"">
23 >
24 details = <
25 ["de"] = <
26 language = <[ISO_639-1::de]>
27 purpose = <"Dient der Dokumentation des systemischen Blutdrucks einer Person. Die Messung zeichnet den systolischen und diastolischen Blutdruck auf geeignete Art und Weise auf, sodass das Resultat der Messung als charakteristisch für den tatsächlichen systemischen Blutdruck angesehen werden kann.">
28 use = <"Alle Blutdruckmessungen werden unter Zuhilfenahme dieses Archetypen dokumentiert. Der Archetyp beinhaltet ein umfassendes Status-Modell z.B. bei Durchführung von Belastungs-EKGs und Kipptischuntersuchungen.">
29 misuse = <"Nicht zu Benutzen zur Dokumentation des intravaskulären Drucks.">
30 >
31 ["en"] = <
32 language = <[ISO_639-1::en]>
33 purpose = <"To record the systemic blood pressure of a person. The measurement records the systolic and the diastolic pressure by some means suitable for the result to be seen as a surrogate for the general and systemic blood pressure.">
34 use = <"All blood pressure measurements are recorded using this archetype. There is a rich state model for use with exercise ECGs and Tilt Table measurements.">
35 keywords = <"observations", "blood pressure", "measurement">
36 misuse = <"Not to be used for intravascular pressure.">
37 >
38 >
39 lifecycle_state = <"AuthorDraft">
40 other_contributors = <>
43 OBSERVATION[at0000] matches { -- Blood pressure
44 data matches {
45 HISTORY[at0001] matches { -- history
46 events cardinality matches {1..*; unordered} matches {
47 EVENT[at0006] occurrences matches {0..*} matches { -- any event
48 data matches {
49 ITEM_LIST[at0003] matches { -- blood pressure
50 items cardinality matches {0..*; ordered} matches {
51 ELEMENT[at0004] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- systolic
52 value matches {
54 property = <[openehr::125]>
55 list = <
56 ["1"] = <
57 units = <"mm[Hg]">
58 magnitude = <|0.0..<1000.0|>
59 precision = <|0|>
60 >
61 >
62 >
63 }
64 }
65 ELEMENT[at0005] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- diastolic
66 value matches {
68 property = <[openehr::125]>
69 list = <
70 ["1"] = <
71 units = <"mm[Hg]">
72 magnitude = <|0.0..<1000.0|>
73 precision = <|0|>
74 >
75 >
76 >
77 }
78 }
79 ELEMENT[at1006] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- mean arterial pressure
80 value matches {
82 property = <[openehr::125]>
83 list = <
84 ["1"] = <
85 units = <"mm[Hg]">
86 magnitude = <|0.0..750.0|>
87 precision = <|1|>
88 >
89 >
90 >
91 }
92 }
93 ELEMENT[at1007] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- pulse pressure
94 value matches {
96 property = <[openehr::125]>
97 list = <
98 ["1"] = <
99 units = <"mm[Hg]">
100 magnitude = <|0.0..750.0|>
101 precision = <|0|>
102 >
103 >
104 >
105 }
106 }
107 ELEMENT[at0033] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Comment
108 value matches {
109 DV_TEXT matches {*}
110 }
111 }
112 }
113 }
114 }
115 state matches {
116 ITEM_LIST[at0007] matches { -- state structure
117 items cardinality matches {0..*; ordered} matches {
118 ELEMENT[at0008] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Position
119 value matches {
120 DV_CODED_TEXT matches {
121 defining_code matches {
122 [local::
123 at1000, -- Standing
124 at1001, -- Sitting
125 at1002, -- Reclining
126 at1003; -- Lying
127 at1001] -- assumed value
128 }
129 }
130 }
131 }
132 ELEMENT[at0009] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Exertion level
133 value matches {
135 property = <[openehr::130]>
136 list = <
137 ["1"] = <
138 units = <"J/min">
139 magnitude = <|0.0..1000.0|>
140 >
141 >
142 assumed_value = <
143 magnitude = <0.0>
144 units = <"J/min">
145 precision = <-1>
146 >
147 >
148 }
149 }
150 ELEMENT[at0010] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Exercise
151 value matches {
152 DV_CODED_TEXT matches {
153 defining_code matches {
154 [local::
155 at0022, -- At rest
156 at0023, -- Post-exercise
157 at0024; -- During exercise
158 at0022] -- assumed value
159 }
160 }
161 }
162 }
163 ELEMENT[at1005] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Tilt
164 value matches {
166 property = <[openehr::497]>
167 list = <
168 ["1"] = <
169 units = <"°">
170 magnitude = <|-90.0..90.0|>
171 precision = <|0|>
172 >
173 >
174 assumed_value = <
175 magnitude = <0.0>
176 units = <"°">
177 precision = <0>
178 >
179 >
180 }
181 }
182 }
183 }
184 }
185 }
186 POINT_EVENT[at0002] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- baseline reading
187 offset matches {
188 DV_DURATION matches {
189 value matches {|PT0S|}
190 }
191 }
192 data matches {
193 use_node ITEM_LIST /data[at0001]/events[at0006]/data[at0003]
194 }
195 state matches {
196 use_node ITEM_LIST /data[at0001]/events[at0006]/state[at0007]
197 }
198 }
199 POINT_EVENT[at0029] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- 5 minute reading
200 offset matches {
201 DV_DURATION matches {
202 value matches {|PT5M|}
203 }
204 }
205 data matches {
206 use_node ITEM_LIST /data[at0001]/events[at0006]/data[at0003]
207 }
208 state matches {
209 use_node ITEM_LIST /data[at0001]/events[at0006]/state[at0007]
210 }
211 }
212 POINT_EVENT[at0030] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- 10 minute reading
213 offset matches {
214 DV_DURATION matches {
215 value matches {|PT10M|}
216 }
217 }
218 data matches {
219 use_node ITEM_LIST /data[at0001]/events[at0006]/data[at0003]
220 }
221 state matches {
222 use_node ITEM_LIST /data[at0001]/events[at0006]/state[at0007]
223 }
224 }
225 INTERVAL_EVENT[at0031] occurrences matches {0..*} matches { -- Postural change
226 math_function matches {
227 DV_CODED_TEXT matches {
228 defining_code matches {[openehr::147]}
229 }
230 }
231 data matches {
232 use_node ITEM_LIST /data[at0001]/events[at0006]/data[at0003]
233 }
234 state matches {
235 use_node ITEM_LIST /data[at0001]/events[at0006]/state[at0007]
236 }
237 }
238 INTERVAL_EVENT[at1004] occurrences matches {0..*} matches { -- Paradox
239 math_function matches {
240 DV_CODED_TEXT matches {
241 defining_code matches {[openehr::149]}
242 }
243 }
244 data matches {
245 use_node ITEM_LIST /data[at0001]/events[at0006]/data[at0003]
246 }
247 state matches {
248 use_node ITEM_LIST /data[at0001]/events[at0006]/state[at0007]
249 }
250 }
251 }
252 }
253 }
254 protocol matches {
255 ITEM_LIST[at0011] matches { -- list structure
256 items cardinality matches {0..*; ordered} matches {
257 ELEMENT[at0013] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Cuff size
258 value matches {
259 DV_CODED_TEXT matches {
260 defining_code matches {
261 [local::
262 at0015, -- Adult
263 at0016, -- Wide adult
264 at0017, -- Paediatric
265 at1008, -- Thigh
266 at1009] -- Neonatal
267 }
268 }
269 }
270 }
271 ELEMENT[at0012] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Instrument
272 value matches {
273 DV_TEXT matches {*}
274 }
275 }
276 ELEMENT[at0014] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Location of measurement
277 value matches {
278 DV_CODED_TEXT matches {
279 defining_code matches {
280 [local::
281 at0025, -- Right arm
282 at0026, -- Left arm
283 at0027, -- Right leg
284 at0028, -- Left leg
285 at0032] -- Intra-arterial
286 }
287 }
288 }
289 }
290 ELEMENT[at1010] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Korotkoff sounds
291 value matches {
292 DV_CODED_TEXT matches {
293 defining_code matches {
294 [local::
295 at1011, -- Fourth sound
296 at1012] -- Fifth sound
297 }
298 }
299 }
300 }
301 }
302 }
303 }
304 }
307 terminologies_available = <"SNOMED-CT", ...>
308 term_definitions = <
309 ["de"] = <
310 items = <
311 ["at0000"] = <
312 description = <"Die Messung des systemischen arteriellen Blutdrucks, die als geeignet angesehen wird, den tatsächlichen systemischen Blutdruck zu repräsentieren.">
313 text = <"Blutdruckmessung">
314 >
315 ["at0001"] = <
316 description = <"Historie">
317 text = <"Historie">
318 >
319 ["at0002"] = <
320 description = <"Basismessung">
321 text = <"Basismessung">
322 >
323 ["at0003"] = <
324 description = <"*@ internal @(en)">
325 text = <"Blutdruck">
326 >
327 ["at0004"] = <
328 description = <"Der höchste arterielle Blutdruck eines Zyklus - gemessen in der systolischen oder Kontraktionsphase des Herzens.">
329 text = <"systolisch">
330 >
331 ["at0005"] = <
332 description = <"Der minimale systemische arterielle Blutdruck eines Zyklus - gemessen in der diastolischen oder Entspannungsphase des Herzens.">
333 text = <"diastolisch">
334 >
335 ["at0006"] = <
336 description = <"anderes unbestimmtes Ereignis">
337 text = <"unbestimmtes Ereignis">
338 >
339 ["at0007"] = <
340 description = <"*@ internal @(en)">
341 text = <"*state structure(en)">
342 >
343 ["at0008"] = <
344 description = <"Die Position des Patienten zum Zeitpunkt der Blutdruckmessung">
345 text = <"Position">
346 >
347 ["at0009"] = <
348 description = <"Das Anstrengungsniveau zum Zeitpunkt der Messung">
349 text = <"Anstrengungsniveau">
350 >
351 ["at0010"] = <
352 description = <"Die Beschreibung, ob und wann eine Leibesübung durchgeführt wurde bzw. eine körperliche Belastung bestand.">
353 text = <"körperliche Belastung">
354 >
355 ["at0011"] = <
356 description = <"Listenstruktur">
357 text = <"Listenstruktur">
358 >
359 ["at0012"] = <
360 description = <"Das Instrument, das zur Blutdruckmessung benutzt wird">
361 text = <"Instrument">
362 >
363 ["at0013"] = <
364 description = <"Die Größe der Manschette des benutzten Sphygmomanometers">
365 text = <"Manschettengröße">
366 >
367 ["at0014"] = <
368 description = <"Ort der Blutdruckmessung">
369 text = <"Ort der Messung">
370 >
371 ["at0015"] = <
372 description = <"Eine normale Manschette für Erwachsene">
373 text = <"Erwachsener">
374 >
375 ["at0016"] = <
376 description = <"Eine Manschette für Erwachsene mit dickeren Armen">
377 text = <"Erwachsener (weit)">
378 >
379 ["at0017"] = <
380 description = <"Eine Manschette geeignet für ein Kind mit dünnen Armen">
381 text = <"Pädiatrisch">
382 >
383 ["at0022"] = <
384 description = <"Die Person ist in Ruhe und nicht in der Erholungsphase von einer Anstrengung">
385 text = <"In Ruhe">
386 >
387 ["at0023"] = <
388 description = <"Die Messung wird unmittelbar nach einer Leibesübung/körperlicher Belastung durchgeführt">
389 text = <"Nach Leibesübung/körperlicher Belastung">
390 >
391 ["at0024"] = <
392 description = <"Die Messung wird während einer Leibesübung/körperlicher Belastung durchgeführt">
393 text = <"Während Leibesübung/körperlicher Belastung">
394 >
395 ["at0025"] = <
396 description = <"Der rechte Arm der Person">
397 text = <"Rechter Arm">
398 >
399 ["at0026"] = <
400 description = <"Der linke Arm der Person">
401 text = <"Linker Arm">
402 >
403 ["at0027"] = <
404 description = <"Rechtes Bein des Patienten">
405 text = <"Rechtes Bein">
406 >
407 ["at0028"] = <
408 description = <"Linkes Bein des Patienten">
409 text = <"Linkes Bein">
410 >
411 ["at0029"] = <
412 description = <"Blutdruckmessung nach 5 Minuten Ruhepause">
413 text = <"5-Minuten-Messung">
414 >
415 ["at0030"] = <
416 description = <"Blutdruckmessung nach 10 Minuten Ruhepause">
417 text = <"10-Minuten-Messung">
418 >
419 ["at0031"] = <
420 description = <"Die Differenz zwischen stehendem und sitzendem/liegendem Blutdruck">
421 text = <"posturale Änderung">
422 >
423 ["at0032"] = <
424 description = <"Blutdruckmessung durch intra-arterielle (invasive) Messung">
425 text = <"Intra-arteriell">
426 >
427 ["at0033"] = <
428 description = <"Kommentar zur Blutdruckmessung">
429 text = <"Kommentar">
430 >
431 ["at1000"] = <
432 description = <"Stehend zum Zeitpunkt der Blutdruckmessung">
433 text = <"Stehend">
434 >
435 ["at1001"] = <
436 description = <"Sitzend zum Zeitpunkt der Blutdruckmessung">
437 text = <"Sitzend">
438 >
439 ["at1002"] = <
440 description = <"Patient 45 Grad zurückgelehnt zum Zeitpunkt der Blutdruckmessung">
441 text = <"Zurückgelehnt">
442 >
443 ["at1003"] = <
444 description = <"Patient flach liegend zum Zeitpunkt der Blutdruckmessung">
445 text = <"Liegend">
446 >
447 ["at1004"] = <
448 description = <"Variation des Blutdrucks bei Atmung">
449 text = <"Paradox">
450 >
451 ["at1005"] = <
452 description = <"Die Neigung der Oberfläche auf der der Patient liegt (Kipptischuntersuchungen)">
453 text = <"Neigung">
454 >
455 ["at1006"] = <
456 description = <"Der mittlere arterielle Druck, abgekürzt MAD oder MAP (von englisch: mean arterial pressure), liegt zwischen dem systolischen und dem diastolischen Blutdruckwert. Er kann genau berechnet werden, indem die Fläche unter der arteriellen Druckkurve gemittelt wird. Kann auch nach folgender Formel berechnet werden: (2XSBD + DBD) dividiert durch 3.">
457 text = <"mittlerer arterieller Druck">
458 >
459 ["at1007"] = <
460 description = <"Der Abstand zwischen dem systolischen und dem diastolischen Blutdruckwert. Beschreibt die Druckwelle, die mit jedem Herzschlag durch das Blutgefäßsystem läuft.">
461 text = <"Pulsdruck">
462 >
463 ["at1008"] = <
464 description = <"Eine Manschette für den Oberschenkel eines Erwachsenen">
465 text = <"Oberschenkel">
466 >
467 ["at1009"] = <
468 description = <"Eine Manschette benutzt für Neugeborene">
469 text = <"Neonatal">
470 >
471 ["at1010"] = <
472 description = <"Korotkoff Geräusch, das zur Betimmung des diastolischen Blutdrucks benuzt wurde">
473 text = <"Korotkoff Geräusche">
474 >
475 ["at1011"] = <
476 description = <"*">
477 text = <"Viertes Geräusch">
478 >
479 ["at1012"] = <
480 description = <"*">
481 text = <"Fünftes Geräusch">
482 >
483 >
484 >
485 ["en"] = <
486 items = <
487 ["at0000"] = <
488 description = <"the measurement by any means (invasive or non-invasive) of systemic arterial blood pressure which is deemed to represent the actual systemic blood pressure">
489 text = <"Blood pressure">
490 >
491 ["at0001"] = <
492 description = <"history Structural node">
493 text = <"history">
494 >
495 ["at0002"] = <
496 description = <"baseline event in event history">
497 text = <"baseline reading">
498 >
499 ["at0003"] = <
500 description = <"@ internal @">
501 text = <"blood pressure">
502 >
503 ["at0004"] = <
504 description = <"the peak systemic arterial blood pressure over one cycle - measured in systolic or contraction phase of the heart cycle">
505 text = <"systolic">
506 >
507 ["at0005"] = <
508 description = <"the minimum systemic arterial blood pressure over one cycle - measured in the diastolic or relaxation phase">
509 text = <"diastolic">
510 >
511 ["at0006"] = <
512 description = <"other event in event history">
513 text = <"any event">
514 >
515 ["at0007"] = <
516 description = <"@ internal @">
517 text = <"state structure">
518 >
519 ["at0008"] = <
520 description = <"The position of the patient at the time of measuring blood pressure">
521 text = <"Position">
522 >
523 ["at0009"] = <
524 description = <"The level of exertion at the time of taking the measurement">
525 text = <"Exertion level">
526 >
527 ["at0010"] = <
528 description = <"The classification of the exercise level">
529 text = <"Exercise">
530 >
531 ["at0011"] = <
532 description = <"list structure">
533 text = <"list structure">
534 >
535 ["at0012"] = <
536 description = <"the instrument used to measure the blood pressure">
537 text = <"Instrument">
538 >
539 ["at0013"] = <
540 description = <"the size of the cuff if a sphygmomanometer is used">
541 text = <"Cuff size">
542 >
543 ["at0014"] = <
544 description = <"The site of the measurement of the blood pressure">
545 text = <"Location of measurement">
546 >
547 ["at0015"] = <
548 description = <"A cuff that is standard for an adult">
549 text = <"Adult">
550 >
551 ["at0016"] = <
552 description = <"A cuff for adults with larger arms">
553 text = <"Wide adult">
554 >
555 ["at0017"] = <
556 description = <"A cuff that is appropriate for a child or thin arm">
557 text = <"Paediatric">
558 >
559 ["at0022"] = <
560 description = <"The person is at rest and not in the recovery phase from exersion">
561 text = <"At rest">
562 >
563 ["at0023"] = <
564 description = <"Measurement is taken immediately after exercise">
565 text = <"Post-exercise">
566 >
567 ["at0024"] = <
568 description = <"The measurement is taken during exercise">
569 text = <"During exercise">
570 >
571 ["at0025"] = <
572 description = <"The right arm of the person">
573 text = <"Right arm">
574 >
575 ["at0026"] = <
576 description = <"The left arm of the person">
577 text = <"Left arm">
578 >
579 ["at0027"] = <
580 description = <"The right leg of the patient">
581 text = <"Right leg">
582 >
583 ["at0028"] = <
584 description = <"The left leg of the person">
585 text = <"Left leg">
586 >
587 ["at0029"] = <
588 description = <"Blood pressure reading after 5 minutes rest">
589 text = <"5 minute reading">
590 >
591 ["at0030"] = <
592 description = <"Blood pressure reading after 10 minutes rest">
593 text = <"10 minute reading">
594 >
595 ["at0031"] = <
596 description = <"The difference between standing and sitting/lying blood pressure">
597 text = <"Postural change">
598 >
599 ["at0032"] = <
600 description = <"Blood pressure monitored via an intra-arterial line">
601 text = <"Intra-arterial">
602 >
603 ["at0033"] = <
604 description = <"Comment on blood pressure reading">
605 text = <"Comment">
606 >
607 ["at1000"] = <
608 description = <"Standing at the time of blood pressure measurement">
609 text = <"Standing">
610 >
611 ["at1001"] = <
612 description = <"Sitting on bed or chair at the time of blood pressure measurement">
613 text = <"Sitting">
614 >
615 ["at1002"] = <
616 description = <"Person reclining at 45 degrees at the time of blood pressure measurement">
617 text = <"Reclining">
618 >
619 ["at1003"] = <
620 description = <"Patient lying flat at the time of blood pressure measurement">
621 text = <"Lying">
622 >
623 ["at1004"] = <
624 description = <"Variation in blood pressure with respiration">
625 text = <"Paradox">
626 >
627 ["at1005"] = <
628 description = <"The tilt of the surface on which the person is lying">
629 text = <"Tilt">
630 >
631 ["at1006"] = <
632 description = <"(MAP) The average arterial pressure that occurs over the entire course of the heart contraction and relaxation cycle - calculated by (2XSBP + DBP) divided by 3.">
633 text = <"mean arterial pressure">
634 >
635 ["at1007"] = <
636 description = <"The variation in pressure over one contraction cycle">
637 text = <"pulse pressure">
638 >
639 ["at1008"] = <
640 description = <"A cuff used for an adult thigh">
641 text = <"Thigh">
642 >
643 ["at1009"] = <
644 description = <"A cuff used for a new born">
645 text = <"Neonatal">
646 >
647 ["at1010"] = <
648 description = <"Record which Korotkoff sound is used for determining Diastolic pressure">
649 text = <"Korotkoff sounds">
650 >
651 ["at1011"] = <
652 description = <"*">
653 text = <"Fourth sound">
654 >
655 ["at1012"] = <
656 description = <"*">
657 text = <"Fifth sound">
658 >
659 >
660 >
661 >
662 term_binding = <
663 ["SNOMED-CT"] = <
664 items = <
665 ["at0000"] = <[SNOMED-CT(2003)::163020007]>
666 ["at0003"] = <[SNOMED-CT(2003)::364090009]>
667 ["at0004"] = <[SNOMED-CT(2003)::163030003]>
668 ["at0005"] = <[SNOMED-CT(2003)::163031004]>
669 ["at0012"] = <[SNOMED-CT(2003)::57134006]>
670 ["at0013"] = <[SNOMED-CT(2003)::246153002]>
671 >
672 >
673 >
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