Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of openEHR Models, Archetypes and Biomedical Ontologies

Aug 6, 2007, 11:45:01 PM (17 years ago)
Tatsukawa, Akimichi



  • openEHR Models, Archetypes and Biomedical Ontologies

    v9 v10  
    246246The openEHR Entry model has an ontological design which is described in a forthcoming MedInfo 2007 paper (in-press copies are available on request). We can summarise the approach with the following three diagrams. The first is a model of process (shown in two ways); the second shows a cycle of information creation due to the process, and the last shows the information ontology developed in openEHR for recorded clinical information.
     248openEHRにおけるEntryモデルの基盤となっているオントロジーについては、近々発表される Beale と Heard の論文に説明されている。以下の3つの図式は、現時点におけるopenEHRのEntryモデルを支えるオントロジーを要約している。最初の図式はプロセスのモデルであり、次の図式はこのプロセスによって生成された情報のモデルであり、3番目の図式は情報についてのオントロジーを示している。
    248250The explanation of the ontology behind the openEHR Entry model is in a forthcoming paper by Beale and Heard [ref]. The following 3 diagrams show in a summarised way the ontological underpinning of the openEHR Entry model the way it is today. The first is a model of process, the second a model of information creation due to this process, and the third an ontology of information.
    250255openEHR process model   We model health care delivery as two kinds of process: a clinical process, corresponding to the interaction between a $-1©á¡ãlinical investigator system©á¢Àand a ©áßatient system$-1©á¢Ì situated within a business process, which is owned by an ©á½dministrative context$-1©á¢Î The clinical process constitutes a sub-process of the business process, i.e. it is the main mechanism for the business process to achieve its goal, which is to satisfy a demand for care on the part of the patient. The administrative context corresponds to the health system as a whole, rather than a single enterprise, since from the patient care point of view, the mobilisation of care delivery is carried out by a network of provider organisations. The model can be illustrated in two equivalent ways, as shown in Figure 3. more....