Changes between Version 30 and Version 31 of The Origins of openEHR

May 20, 2008, 10:01:32 PM (16 years ago)



  • The Origins of openEHR

    v30 v31  
    171171The GEHR approach remained alive in CHIME and its collaborating centres. Successive research results and implementations of record servers based on this are now making key contributions within the newly launched UK ''Information for Health'' Strategy. The GEHR approach was taken forward on a broader front, beyond the UK and Europe, especially by Sam Heard, Tom Beale and Peter Schloeffel and their colleagues in Australia.
    173 GEHRに反発する対応:GEHRプロジェクトが終了した時にはそれに対して反発する動きがあった。最初のGEHRオブジェクトモデルには,UKやCEN標準化団体でこのドメインに関する作業をしているグループから一致して反対意見が寄せられた。既存の製品や手法についての前提条件や手法についての疑問は当然なものであったが,GEHRが建設的な手法であるということを願っていても広められることにはならなかった。不幸にもGEHRの業績が他のグループの利益やその野望にとって脅威であると認識された。その結果が初期の試験的なものであって不完全なものであると反対するというやりかたでそれは明らかであった。
    175175Reactions against GEHR: When the GEHR project came to an end, a reaction set in against it. The first GEHR Object Model became a focus of concerted opposition within some groups working in the domain in the UK and within CEN standards bodies. The questioning of the assumptions and approaches of existing products and approaches had been inevitable, but did not make GEHR popular, although its approach always sought to be constructive. It was unfortunate that the work of GEHR came, apparently, to be perceived as a threat to other interests and ambitions, evidenced by the manner in which it was opposed, early, tentative and incomplete as its results were.
    177 議論のもっとも重要な分野は,レコードアーキテクチャパラダイムとシステム間の医療情報メッセージについての対立に端を発していた。典型的なものとしては,EDIFACTイニシアチブとHL7コンソーシアムが提供するものとの間での各製品の相互可用性についての対立である。GEHR
    179179One important area of controversy arose in the confrontation between the record architecture paradigm and the paradigm of healthcare messages between systems, as typified by the EDIFACT initiatives and the HL7 consortium of suppliers, for interoperability between their products. The advocacy by GEHR and its successors of a record architecture to anchor information standards and services and their contexts within records was controversial and was, and still is, opposed. It did not help that most available clinical systems claiming to be clinical records systems did not meet the commonly agreed clinical understanding of what a clinical record is and the requirements it must meet.
    181183It is interesting that, in facing the technical and clinical challenges of implementing real clinical record systems within real health care contexts, health care and international standards bodies have only recently begun to explore rigorously what the requirements for such systems are and how their performance may be assessed against these. This is inexorably drawing the issues raised by the GEHR project, over ten years ago, back into play. The need to focus efforts in this way, as we enter the post Human Genome Project era, is, if anything, more crucial today.
    183187The objective of reverse engineering a health record information model from the legacy of an evolving messaging semantics, as typified by successive HL7 versions, is difficult! In GEHR, such messages were seen as being derivable straightforwardly from the GEHR object model underlying the record formalism, in a clinically comprehensive and ethically acceptable manner. However, without an accessible public domain implementation of such a record architecture, it is quite understandable that existing suppliers of systems, struggling to evolve their products to meet the requirements of patient centred and clinically more accountable care, view such an initiative with some concern.
     189Synapses: 1995年にDavid IngramとUCLチームは
    185191Synapses: In 1995, David Ingram and the UCL team joined forces with Professor Jane Grimson of Trinity College Dublin in a new consortium aiming to propose a project to explore the legacy systems integration issues in progressing towards a federated electronic healthcare record. From the other GEHR participants, Daniel Mart of The Association of Doctors and Dentists of Luxembourg and Jo Milan of the Royal Marsden also joined this larger consortium of EU teams and industries, which included Siemens and Hiscom as major suppliers.