Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of The Origins of openEHR

May 19, 2008, 5:33:33 PM (16 years ago)



  • The Origins of openEHR

    v15 v16  
    8585Professor David Ingram, Professor of Medical Informatics at St Bartholomew’s Medical College, was invited to lead the Consortium, to prepare the proposal and, subsequently, as Project Director, to run the project. In this, he worked closely with Lesley Southgate, who had succeeded Mal Salkind as Head of Primary Care at St. Bartholomew’s.
     873ヶ月後の1991年初めに''The Good European Health Record'' (GEHR)と名付けられたプロジェクトの提案が共同で出された。この名前はAlain Maskensによって提案された。週末に突貫工事で72時間ぶっ通しで準備作業が続けられ,提案は期限内に提出された。判断が下される間,提案が認められることについて思いがけずしかし暖かい支持が寄せられた。競合するコンソーシアムはその業務について数年間の経験を持っているため,その結果については様々な議論の余地があった。Jacqes LacombeとMachael Wilsonをプロジェクトの役員として代表される委員会に対して,David Ingram主導でGEHRのために行われた交渉は完璧であった。プロジェクトは1992年1月に開始された。
    8789The project proposal was put together in three months in early 1991 and was given the title ''The Good European Health Record'' (GEHR); the name was proposed by Alain Maskens. After a final 72 hour, round the clock, weekend flurry of preparation, it was submitted just in time. It emerged as an unexpected but warmly endorsed winning proposal, in the adjudication that followed. Some rival consortia had worked for several years to position themselves for the work, so the result was controversial. Negotiations, led for GEHR by David Ingram, were completed with the Commission who were represented by the Project Officer, Jacques Lacombe, and Michael Wilson. The project commenced in January 1992.
    90 == Participants in the GEHR Project ==
     92== GEHRプロジェクトの参加者たち ==
     93Participants in the GEHR Project
    9297In addition, to David and Sam, of those still closely involved in the continuing story of GEHR, Dr Dipak Kalra, who led the GEHR Clinical Task Group, and David Lloyd, a key contributor to the technical Task Group, joined the St. Bartholomew's team at the outset. Dr Jo Milan, Director of Information at the Royal Marsden Hospital, London, and Dr Stanley Sheppard, Chief Executive of Update, a UK general practice software company, joined as sub-contractors to St. Bartholomew's. Update had to withdraw from the Consortium in the early days of the project, but Stan maintained contact on a personal basis. Tom Beale was employed as a consultant to the Royal Marsden in 1993 and subsequently joined the St Bartholomew's GEHR team, as a consultant, to assist in the key modelling phase, leading to the first GEHR object model for the health care record. David Ingram was appointed Professor of Health informatics at UCL in London in 1995 and the team, moved there to establish the Centre for Health Informatics (CHIME). Marcia Jacks was the GEHR Project Administrator and is now co-ordinator of CHIME at UCL, where the St. Bartholomew's team moved.