Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of Eiffel FAQ

Aug 1, 2007, 10:12:55 PM (17 years ago)



  • Eiffel FAQ

    v10 v11  
    3939    * the ability to bind properly to the two "big" languages around today, namely C# and Java. It is worth considering that we are now in an IT environment somewhat like the CORBA/COM situation of a decade ago. Many companies and other organisations promised that the two would talk together; they never did, properly. Similarly, there are political reasons why companies (particularly Sun and Microsoft) are unlikely to make it easy for developers to jump to the other side, or integrate software written in the two languages properly. Eiffel does offer one solution to this problem. Tools have already been built by ISE which compile Eiffel code to native .Net bytecode, meaning that Eiffel components can be deployed seamlessly with components written in other .Net languages. Eiffel has also be wrapped for Java in production software in health, and can be reliably deployed in Java environments. The upshot of this is that a single code base for an important component could be written in Eiffel and deployed on all platforms, not just in one or other of the .Net or Java worlds.
    4143The types of implementation which we foresee in the future are multi-language component-based systems, not single language systems. For example, a reference openEHR kernel implemented in Eiffel could be deployed in both .Net and Java worlds via interfacing solutions which already exist; in each environment they would be used in the appropriate application server environment, e.g. J2EE or similar. Other systems are likely to use a diversity of languages for presentation and back-end databases as well.
    4347The bottom line is: implement in whatever technology you choose, you will still most likely to be able to take advantage of any openEHR components that happen to be in Eiffel.
     49== どうしたらEiffelで書かれたopenEHRの参照モデルを見ることができるの? ==
    4451How can I look at the openEHR Reference Model in Eiffel?
    4655You could download a copy of Eiffel and browse using the IDE. But you'd probably complain about having to do the download, and learn a new IDE! So there is a much easier way. The entire openEHR specifications are available in a completely hyperlinked HTML tree, on the openEHR website.