Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of ADL1.4

May 19, 2008, 10:54:07 PM (16 years ago)



  • ADL1.4

    v1 v2  
    28281. Introduction
    30 == 1.1 目的 ==
     30=== 1.1 目的 ===
    31311.1 Purpose
    5454 * Health data managers.
    56 == 1.2 関連する文書 ==
     56=== 1.2 関連する文書 ===
    57571.2 Related Documents
    7272 * The openEHR Archetype Profile (oAP)
    74 == 1.3 命名規則 ==
     74=== 1.3 命名規則 ===
    75751.3 Nomenclature
    7979In this document, the term ‘attribute’ denotes any stored property of a type defined in an object model, including primitive attributes and any kind of relationship such as an association or aggregation. XML ‘attributes’ are always referred to explicitly as ‘XML attributes’.
    81 == 1.4 状況 ==
     81=== 1.4 状況 ===
    82821.4 Status
    9898New versions are announced on
     100== 2 概要 ==
     1022 Overview
     104=== 2.1 ADLとは何か ===
     1062.1 What is ADL?
     108アーキタイプ定義言語(ADL; Archetype Definition Language)はアーキタイプを表現する形式言語であり、ドメインエントリーの制約ベースのモデルである。つまり、「構造化されたビジネスルール」といってもいいようなものである。アーキタイプの概念はBealによって記載されている[[FootNote(Beale T. Archetypes: Constraint-based Domain Models for Future-proof Information Systems.
     109OOPSLA 2002 workshop on behavioural semantics.[BR] Available at]], [[FootNote(Beale T. Archetypes: Constraint-based Domain Models for Future-proof Information Systems. OOPSLA 2002 workshop on behavioural semantics.[BR] Available at]]。
     111Archetype Definition Language (ADL) is a formal language for expressing archetypes, which are
     112constraint-based models of domain entities, or what some might call ‘structured business rules’. The
     113archetype concept is described by Beale [1], [2]. The openEHR Archetype Object Model [3]
     114describes the definitive semantic model of archetypes, in the form of an object model. The ADL syntax
     115is one possible serialisation of an archetype.
     116The openEHR archetype framework is described in terms of Archetype Definitions and Principles [6]
     117and an Archetype System [7]. Other semantic formalisms considered in the course of the development
     118of ADL, and some which remain relevant are described in detailed in section 10 on page 109.
     119ADL uses three other syntaxes, cADL (constraint form of ADL), dADL (data definition form of
     120ADL), and a version of first-order predicate logic (FOPL), to describe constraints on data which are
     121instances of some information model (e.g. expressed in UML). It is most useful when very generic
     122information models are used for describing the data in a system, for example, where the logical concepts
     123PATIENT, DOCTOR and HOSPITAL might all be represented using a small number of classes such
     124as PARTY and ADDRESS. In such cases, archetypes are used to constrain the valid structures of
     125instances of these generic classes to represent the desired domain concepts. In this way future-proof
     126information systems can be built - relatively simple information models and database schemas can be
     127defined, and archetypes supply the semantic modelling, completely outside the software. ADL can
     128thus be used to write archetypes for any domain where formal object model(s) exist which describe
     129data instances.
     130When archetypes are used at runtime in particular contexts, they are composed into larger constraint
     131structures, with local or specialist constraints added, via the use of templates. The formalism of templates
     132is dADL. Archetypes can be specialised by creating an archetypes that reference existing
     133archetypes as parents; such archetypes can only make certain changes while remaining compatible
     134with the parent.
     135Another major function of archetypes is to connect information structures to formal terminologies.
     136Archetypes are language-neutral, and can be authored in and translated into any language.
     137Finally, archetypes are completely path-addressable in a manner similar to XML data, using path
     138expressions that are directly convertible to Xpath expressions.
     1392.1.1 Structure
     140Archetypes expressed in ADL resemble programming language files, and have a defined syntax.
     141ADL itself is a very simple “glue” syntax, which uses two other syntaxes for expressing structured
     142constraints and data, respectively. The cADL syntax is used to express the archetype definition,
     143while the dADL syntax is used to express data which appears in the language, description, ontology,
     144and revision_history sections of an ADL archetype. The top-level structure of an ADL archetype
     145is shown in FIGURE 1.