require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper' include OpenEHR::AssumedLibraryTypes describe ISO8601DateTime do before(:each) do @iso8601date_time ='2009-06-29T12:34:56.78+0900') end it 'should be an instance of ISO8601DateTime' do @iso8601date_time.should be_an_instance_of ISO8601DateTime end it 'should be 2009-06-29T12:34:56.78T+09:00 as string' do @iso8601date_time.as_string.should == '2009-06-29T12:34:56.78+0900' end it 'should raise ArgumentError with invalid date format' do lambda {'2009:06:29Z12-34-56') }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArgumentErrow with empty argument' do lambda {'') }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'allows without fractional second' do lambda {'2009-06-29T12:34:56') }.should_not raise_error ArgumentError end describe 'partial date' do it 'should recognize 2009-06' do = nil @iso8601date_time.as_string.should == '2009-06' end it 'should recognize 2009' do = nil @iso8601date_time.month = nil @iso8601date_time.as_string.should == '2009' end end end